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We too had a nice camping trip this weekend. Unseasonably cool weather for these parts (lows around 60*). Marvelous weather (had to crank the fire up to stay warm and not just to roast marshmallows).

What's with the picture of the ski-masked man?
The new definition of "roughing it" appears to have something to do with finding RV repair shops in out of the way locations on weekends when everything is closed... I applaud your perseverance in the face of vehicle repairs, not to mention all the great looking eats! :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap
Sorry for the mishaps with the RV Bo, but it looks like you guys still managed to have a great time some some good eats....thanks for sharing.

We just got back from two trips up to the mountains.......I wish I was back up there!! Looks great Bo!! I'll be your camping neighbor anytime!!:eusa_clap
Awesome looking food pron, Bo!
Nice Class A RV, too...:wink:
Wife and I are getting ready for our maiden run in our new TT, too...:mrgreen:
Looks like you had a blast, but sorry you had so many issues with the RV.
Desert D,
I gotta ask.... is that you in the pic behind the cooler? I'm think'n a target but ya never know.
Awesome looking food pron, Bo!
Nice Class A RV, too...:wink:
Wife and I are getting ready for our maiden run in our new TT, too...:mrgreen:
Looks like you had a blast, but sorry you had so many issues with the RV.
I was even sorrier wen I took it to the tire shop today. The nearly new looking tires that came with the unit when I bought it were 10 year old, which probably explains two flat tires in 360 miles. So I upgraded from 8 to 12 ply, and the new six tires are a shade over $1,700.00!
Desert D,
I gotta ask.... is that you in the pic behind the cooler? I'm think'n a target but ya never know.
No, that's a paint ball target. I'm the fat guy seasoning the bacon wrapped lil smokies...