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Nice looking grub! I'm partial to the mid-east part of the state for an escape. Woods Canyon, Bear Canyon, etc. Gotta love the Flag area as well though! John
Too hot this time of year at those places...

Very nice set up there Brother Bo and good eats. :icon_cool My hat's off to you keeping those 4 boys in line.
I have good help from my wife on keeping them in line. Actually, she is the nurturer, and I am the whip snapper...

Kids never forget camping! Sorry about the repairs, but those pics show good eats!
Falls under the category of chit happens I guess

I could do THAT kind of camping. Looks like a great time Bo!
The last time the wife and I slept on an air matress in a tent we got up in the morning saying "never again...". So that is why we bought the RV Neil
oh, man. two flats on one trip? i've replaced just about everything on my rv... including the shower pan and toilet and all 6 tires among other things. they eat the money, but it's worth it.
While it may have been chitty experience on the way, you can live it up and eat like a king now that you are there. so far it looks like you are doing a bang up job. it's making me hungry

How about some cherry cobbler for dessert? ;)

The tire part stinks but glad the camping went well. The pic above is from camping with my parents and youngest son in Cades Cove last weekend.
wow nice food porn!!

dry rot is the devil of RVs aint it...

funny the show breaking bad is set in the arizona desert and they cook meth in motorhome that looks like yours haha.

great cooks and sorry about the breakdowns!
Looks like a great time.

Good call not going too far on the first trip!

I know my dad gets new tires for the RV often since the climate in Vegas is not friendly to tires either.
Dang, You guys look like us when we go camping. Everything but the kitchen sink. All I do when I camp is prep for the next grill or smoke. Nothing like camping,fire burning,grill-a-goin ! Excellent food pron, I'm envious.