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Babbling Farker
Jul 4, 2010
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Last weekend I went out to the desert camping. I've really been looking forward to getting out and away. This is the first trip in more than 30 years that I didn't bring a smoker. I brought my Big Easy, the turkey fryer burner, and my camp stove.

We ate, drank, and relaxed.
Friday's snack.

I brought some vac-sealed carne asada that I made the weekend before from Ray's ( Silverfinger ) recipe. ABT's and homemade refried beans too.

For breakfast it was sunny side up eggs with potatoes, onions, jalapenos, the leftover carne, salsa, and of course, BACON.

A week or two ago there was a thread about green chili recipes. I copied Bludawgs recipe and decided to try it. First I had to roast the chilies.

Chopped veges.

I didn't get a pic browning the pork, but here's the finished pot of chili.

My plate loaded up.

Next breakfast. Scrambles eggs, potatoes, green chili, jalapeno, and bacon.

Chicken, baked potatoes, and ABT's.

One more breakfast. Eggs, potatoes, beans, and bacon.

Here's some of what we drank.

Packed up and ready to head home.

Leaving it like we were never there.

Thanks for looking.
Was born and raised in Southern Ca. I sure miss the desert trips. Thanks for bringing back some good memories. The food looks awesome. Why is it that we always seem to eat better while camping??? lol
Wow awesome job on the camping grub , you need to rent your cooking services out . Ever thing looks delicious !
Hmmm looks more like eating at the Ritz rather than camping, Looks Great. Memo to self camping does not equal Ramen.