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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Jul 18, 2007
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Went camping last week and for some reason I have never made a breakfast fatty while camping. Just make them at home. After seeing O'Mordha's last camp pics I decided to take my little fatty piston with me and whip one up.

It's a fully clothed fatty so for you "Neekid" fatty fans, close your eyes. lol

fried tatoe, onion, ham, cheese, pepper stuffing... (my favorite)


used my stainless piston...





same ole bacon wrap..


I made this the day before, wrapped it and left it in the ice chest overnight.

into my charcoal cooker the next morning.. just lit coals around the sides and put a drip pan in the center.



started a fire in the tractor rim..


made my hollandaise..


the fatty was cooked but I wanted the bacon to be crispier. I love crisp bacon...
easiest way to crisp bacon was to bring out the flame thrower. :)



a couple of passes with the flame and the bacon was just right. :-D



fried some eggs and toasted the English muffins..


breakfast was ready...







I was happy with the fatty. Tasted good at the time. :)

Thank you for looking!
That looks fantastic Jeanie!

Forgive me if this has been asked, but where did you score that stainless piston? That thing is sweet! I want one.
Great looking food as always. Didn't think of using the flame thrower to crisp up the bacon. And yes, we need contact info and pricing for the stainless pumper...
Excellent work, Jeanie! Though I knew to expect it when clicking the thread! Love the flamethrower for crisping up the fatty. Forget searing it on the tractor rim! I'mma use a damn torch! :wink:
Iliad-Odyssy and The Song of the Sirens.
Steer clear of the shore Odysseus.

But who in their right mind could resist the feast??
Thank you Pitboss and Shenco! :-D

That looks fantastic Jeanie!

Forgive me if this has been asked, but where did you score that stainless piston? That thing is sweet! I want one.

Shagdog thanks! The piston was made by a good friend in Germany. He made two of them, one for him and one for me. It's a bit smaller in diameter than my pvc one but works fine. I've had it for a few years and really like it.

Beautiful day and beautiful looking meal. Wow.

And, nice to see the tractor rim back in action :heh:

Thanks KORND4WG! I've missed the tractor rim. :becky:

Great looking food as always. Didn't think of using the flame thrower to crisp up the bacon. And yes, we need contact info and pricing for the stainless pumper...

Terry thanks! The weed burner worked great!

Excellent work, Jeanie! Though I knew to expect it when clicking the thread! Love the flamethrower for crisping up the fatty. Forget searing it on the tractor rim! I'mma use a damn torch! :wink:
lol Thanks Peeps! Yep the campfire would have worked but this was a lot quicker!

Going back to basics ol' skool Jeaniusz style!:cool:
Phu!! Thanks Phriend! I remembered to take "MINE" with me. Thought of you. :becky:
George and Adam.... Thank you!! :hug: :-D

Excellent Breakfast, Jeanie! Catch any fish?

Gary thanks!! I didn't catch one fish...didn't even have a bite! It was cold at night but other than that I had a really nice time out there. :becky:

Same here. But I'd wanna try it by the lake. That lake. Along with the other vittles and the awesome company that no doubt partook of that fine feast.

Yer definitely doing it right in my book Jeanie - just beautiful! :clap2:

Just look at that! Dang!

Greg thank you!! You're invited anytime... I'd even supply the lawn chair. :becky:
Thanks friend!!
WOW, what a camping meal.

You eat like a queen when camping.

Thank you Farmer! I have certain meals that I like to make while camping. Not sure why I don't make them at home. :-D

Troy thank you!!

P.S. That's a great idea using the torch. I guess I'll have to make a stuffer piston too. Yumm!!
The pvc piston is easy to put together... they are kind of fun to use too. :-D