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Good job Mr Bo

If you like it, the 15oz cannisters are a steal at 3 for $19.99.

Back a few years, you may or may not have been charged shipping on the three 15oz cans.

Now they are a little more sophisticated (like Greg said, they couldn't do charge cards, and shipped and trusted you to pay) but I'll soon find out. I'm ordering 3 more cannisters tomorrow.

the SF Garlic on bacon wrapped scallops on the grill that Greg did at Bash II were memorable to this day.

Make sure you post your results (and remember, its a season salt!)

I expect that I / we will like it and probably the Garlic more than any. We use a lot of garlic in our cooking anyway.

They have come into the internet age since the days ya'll are talking about. It's really a nice site and has an efficient shopping cart with easy checkout options.

Thanks for the reminder about season salt. I won't use it as a rub!
I just learned that MikeG left this earth last month.

Mike didnt post much in his time here, but he certainly had an impact on the early Brethren.

Its because of MikeG that certain things were introduced to us, back when there were only 50 or so of us starting off:

Southern Flavor Charbroil
Chicken Swirls
Dreamland BBQ sauce
Lupo's Spiede's
Bottle of moonshine at the Fall Bash in '04

and a bunch of other stuff.

He and I traded so much that we were the basis for me starting the sauce trading club.

Mike was a Southerner, and a gentleman through and through.

I fell in and out of contact with him, as he was affiliated with the Bush Hog company which is where I met him. My dealings with him and that company had stopped, and our communications grew further apart.

I was fortunate to recently rekindle some communication with Mike though, and I will forever cherish his friendship.

I've search his posts on his USerID. Check some of them out. His sayings are priceless:

Sorry for the ressurection, but the Southern Flavor was such a pivital part of the early Brethren, I thought this the best place for me to mention Mike, and to say

Goodbye Brother.

You will be missed.
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