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Full Fledged Farker
Apr 8, 2020
Sacramento, Ca
Name or Nickame

So I' am only getting one day off now a days and I live in an apt where they don't allow you to use bbqs o_O lol. I usually just smoke/grill at night since I work gy shifts anyway. However, with only 1 day off I just wanna do a chuck in the oven for a pot roast meat. I usually do pot roast in my crock pot but they are always slimy. I am gonna do baby carrots in my pressure cooker and some hoe made mashed potatoes in the pressure cooker as well. Sound like a plan? Any advice on cooking the meat?
I braise my roasts these days.
Throw your carrots and taters in with the roast, into a deep enough pan to add a box of beef or veg STOCK, not broth. I use low sodium, so I can determine how much salt is in the mix.
Season as you like, sear before or not.
Seal tightly! I use plastic wrap covered with foil.
250* for 8 to 10 hours.
Onions go good in the mix as well.
Beef will be fall apart tender.
You can mash the taters with a fork.
It's pretty much fail proof!
Then, make gravy with the juice.
I braise my roasts these days.
Throw your carrots and taters in with the roast, into a deep enough pan to add a box of beef or veg STOCK, not broth. I use low sodium, so I can determine how much salt is in the mix.
Season as you like, sear before or not.
Seal tightly! I use plastic wrap covered with foil.
250* for 8 to 10 hours.
Onions go good in the mix as well.
Beef will be fall apart tender.
You can mash the taters with a fork.
It's pretty much fail proof!
Then, make gravy with the juice.
Yeah that's pretty much like a crock pot cook though. I was hoping to do some open air oven time for a better bark. I assume I can use your recipe and just put it in the pan after it gets to 165? Also using plastic wrap in the oven sounds kinda iffy that a mispost? Still gonna do my sides in the pressure cooker too. I'll lay a bed of onions down in the pan for the chuck to sit on. Thanks for post appreciate it.
Yeah that's pretty much like a crock pot cook though. I was hoping to do some open air oven time for a better bark. I assume I can use your recipe and just put it in the pan after it gets to 165? Also using plastic wrap in the oven sounds kinda iffy that a mispost? Still gonna do my sides in the pressure cooker too. I'll lay a bed of onions down in the pan for the chuck to sit on. Thanks for post appreciate it.
I find the crock pot, my 2 anyway, run hotter than 250* on low and even when the beef is completely submerged, still ends up dried out.
Plastic wrap, covered with foil, is good past 350*.
You don't get any bark, but you get damn good roast!
We use a dutch oven to brown the chuck roast in the pan then use to cook it in the oven. Top on. We always add some mushrooms and onions then so they can get a little brown too. When you Get a crispy outside on it just some beef broth to help it cook all the way through. Depending on the size cook at either 325 or 350.When you're about half an hour from done or so put the potatoes in and then the carrots.
Use your pressure cooker. Use the sear setting to brown chuck roast on both sides, 5 min per side. Then put a cup of beef broth in, set to 75 minutes high pressure, then 10 min natural release. You're welcome.
Use your pressure cooker. Use the sear setting to brown chuck roast on both sides, 5 min per side. Then put a cup of beef broth in, set to 75 minutes high pressure, then 10 min natural release. You're welcome.
HAHA good idea but the chuck's like 5 lbs. There's 0 chance it's gonna fit in my ninja 10-1. I also don't have a dutch oven but I assume a foil pan with some foil over the top will work. I never sear my pot roasts... Doesn't that burn any rub you leave on it? When do you season the meat after the sear? Probably still lookin to cook uncovered for a while then throw in the pan or the crock pot.
I have adapted a Betty Crocker recipe for cooking chuck roasts. Salt and pepper roast and sear in a dutch oven. dissolve 3-4 beef bullion cubes in a cup of hot water and add to dutch oven. Season roast with onion soup mix and brown gravy mix. Add a little more water to bring level to maybe 3/4 the height of the roast. Cover and bake at 325 for 2.5 hours. Add potatoes and carrots and a little more water if necessary and back in the oven covered for another hour. Comes out perfect every time.
Get you one of these Granite Ware roasters, $18 at Walmart. Great for roasts, turkeys, hams, etc. Money well spent.View attachment 223130
Oh yeah, I though about getting a roaster and a dutch oven but living in an apt sadly I am literally outta room for any new stuff lol. We lived here 30 years so accumulated a lot of crap we don't really ned. one day i need to clean out the kitchen cabinets I can see 3 coffee pots easy lol.

I ended up just searing in the cast iron after salt and pepper and crock potting it. These 6 day grave yard shifts kicking my tail. I layed down onions then carrots then some cut russets rubbed both sides of chuck with pot roast seasoning and added 16 ounces of broth and let the crock pot rip.
Finished it up. The sear set the crust like a champ. Cooked a little bit long but not to bad. I always end up taking a nap after the gy shift :<(. I also tried to keep it up outta the stock a little more than usual. Drained the fluid and used it for gravy.


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I'm late to the party. To me- a 5# chuck is just 2 x 2.5# chucks... one to cook - one to freeze for another day. If you don 't sear it, you are missing out on some good flavors. I cover the smoke alarm closest to the kitchen, turn the venta hood on high, season the meat with salt only (pepper, garlic and onion will burn- not good eats) and sear that hunk of meat in a cast iron skillet. Into the pressure cooker, with half a chopped onion, pepper, garlic and the drippings from the deglazed skillet. Put in 1-2 cups of broth, water and let it go full pressure for 45 min. check for tenderness- if it's "there" add chopped potatoes, the other half chopped onion and carrots. Pressure cook for about 5 minutes. how you thicken the sauce /gravy is up to you.
Now that you're finished I share what I've cooked several times and it's always a hit.

Smoke a seasoned chuck to about 120° at 200-225°> pour a beer in crockpot. Set to low, about 200°< useNormal beer, like banquet, Miller High Life etc.
Place chuck in beer crock. Layer with carrot, onion and potatoes. Add a layer of seasoning .Top all that with Vlaasic Sour Kraut or similar from a jar. Juice and all. Place lid. Come back in 12-16 hours with a crusty French garlic bread

Works great with any meat species