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My latest experiment is to use the Cajun, lightly, on bacon. Use good thick bacon and make sure that it is not too salty in the first place. Marvelous!
What's old, is new again.

I had a post last Friday asking for "new" things to try.

Phil had called me earlier that day, to see if I had any Southern Flavor Charbroil left.

I said I hadnt had any in 2 years.

On Sunday, when just about to rub down 2 racks of ribs, I found I still had half a can of Southern Flavor Red. Its a salt and pepper blend, so I knew it had a pretty long shelf life.

Man, I tell you. The baby backs we had on Sunday brought back some great memories of when the 3 varieties of Southern Flavor were the groups "go to" test seasoning.

I might just have to order a three pack again.

This thread has me thinking of even more possibilities!!!

So anyone newer to the group, wanting to try an early staple, check out Southern Flavor !!

(Links in this thread and in links section)
I've still got some and have used it recently. I shook some Red label on the pastrami I smoked a few weeks ago...
I have never heard of the stuff. I guess I'm out of the loop LOL. I'll take you'alls word for it. If you order some I'm in.
That Southern Flavor looks great, I am thinking of the cookbook also. I think I have a new friend if it's as good as you guys say.
That Southern Flavor looks great, I am thinking of the cookbook also. I think I have a new friend if it's as good as you guys say.

I already have the cookbook, another gift from user MikeG

It is well worth it.

I got about 5 favorites out of it that worked their way into the regular routine.

The recipe "Elephant for 300" did not make it into the regular rotation though :wink:
$14.30 for the 3 oz three pack shipped to my door. Order completed and I will soon see how good this stuff really is. I didn't get the Wild Game in mine.
Amazing, Bill turned me on to this a long time ago, and now the wife will not let us run out. She gets mad if I don't have some on the way when we get low.

Thanks for telling me about this great seasoning, which has since become a household staple.
$14.30 for the 3 oz three pack shipped to my door. Order completed and I will soon see how good this stuff really is. I didn't get the Wild Game in mine.

Good job Mr Bo

If you like it, the 15oz cannisters are a steal at 3 for $19.99.

Back a few years, you may or may not have been charged shipping on the three 15oz cans.

Now they are a little more sophisticated (like Greg said, they couldn't do charge cards, and shipped and trusted you to pay) but I'll soon find out. I'm ordering 3 more cannisters tomorrow.

the SF Garlic on bacon wrapped scallops on the grill that Greg did at Bash II were memorable to this day.

Make sure you post your results (and remember, its a season salt!)