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Mail delivery plus some past cooks PrOn


is One Chatty Farker
Dec 16, 2007
Well the mailman stopped by to drop off a few goodies. Since I'm on this Atkins thing I figured I'd post a couple things I've made that I haven't posted yet.

BTW, I miss my taters, caffeine, flour and rice, but dang if I don't cook and eat like crazy on this diet and have lost 30lbs in a little over a month.

So first up is some kale I sautéed in bacon drippings with mushrooms and some fresh garlic topped with a tiny bit of bacon.

Then I made a standing rib roast (Harris Teeter 7.99/lb for choice whoop whoop!) I trimmed the bones off after the cook for slicing....an so I could have the ribs to myself.:biggrin1: It was rubbed in Olive oil, Rosemary, Thyme, Salt and pepper. Whole garlic cloves were placed inside. Cooked to 117 internal at 230 then rested for an hour and then into a 500 degree oven for a little crusty action.

Then the mail delivery!!! Oakridge Dominator rub and some shakers!!!
Thanks! I could have got a better picture, but the lady of the house was NOT having it. She wasn't waiting another second after having to smell it resting for and hour. LOL!!

At least with pork butts they sit in a cooler that tones down the smell of food that's ready to eat.:biggrin1:
The only thing different I would have done on your cook, would have been to have it appear on MY plate, all for ME,MINE,I, and every one else, HANDS OFF! I could O D on that and never regret it! Great cook by the way.


Excellent cook

Congrats on the weight loss

How'd those shakers perform

They work exactly like I wanted. A good wide dusting. I've grown tired of either shaking like mad to get a narrow "puff" each time or having to be really careful not to throw big piles all over the place.

The reason I got two right off the bat was one is being used as is and the other I'm going to drill out a few larger holes for my rubs that have chunks of good stuff. Things like Simply marvelous pecan and my homemade stuff will go in there.
I don't know if I mentioned it, but I LOVE prime rib!

Here's a couple pics of a 11lb 4 bone roast I just finished today. I'm typing this post in a deep meat coma.:heh::heh:

Hey Lantern, I have purchased many Oakridge products and have found them ALL to be amazing. Curious how you liked the Dominator and what wood did you use on the smoke?
Dominator is actually very close to my homemade rub I use for pork spareribs, but it's in a grind consistency that I can't come close to getting. It has a great cinnamon nose to it that I love for ribs.

When I'm using dominator or any rub that's on the sweet side I like to use fruit woods if I have the chance to do so. Apple, peach and cherry are my favorites and in that order because they(if burned nice and clean) will let the subtle notes of the rub sing. But, it wouldn't break my heart if I only had pecan to use for a sweet rub. Understand this is all relative. It's not like other woods make it BAD. It's just what I would rather have.

You are correct! Oakridge have yet to disappoint me with any of their products.