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"Why brisket is overrated" as well as "Getting away from thin blue" are two classic examples of trolling. Throw out a comment that you know the vast majority will object too. And then defend yourself by accusing other people of being irrational or defensive.

Seems that only happens with El Luchador posts something. Other people do it and they're "pushing the boundaries" or "challenging convention". But when he does it a select group of snowflakes get their panties all wadded up and call it trolling.

Seems like whenever he pulls a string in here it's connected to somebody's tampon.
Seems that only happens with El Luchador posts something. Other people do it and they're "pushing the boundaries" or "challenging convention". But when he does it a select group of snowflakes get their panties all wadded up and call it trolling.

Seems like whenever he pulls a string in here it's connected to somebody's tampon.
For the record I have no problem with El Luchador but if I wanted to get a rise out of people I too would choose a subject that get's the most responses. Identify the target and what they do/prefer and then go against it. I'm just an old sports blog veteran.
Seems that only happens with El Luchador posts something. Other people do it and they're "pushing the boundaries" or "challenging convention". But when he does it a select group of snowflakes get their panties all wadded up and call it trolling.

Seems like whenever he pulls a string in here it's connected to somebody's tampon.
Snowflakes, panties, tampons and hot takes, not really though, good job! El Duchador is what he is, a farkin troll, glad I have him on ignore.
Seems that only happens with El Luchador posts something. Other people do it and they're "pushing the boundaries" or "challenging convention". But when he does it a select group of snowflakes get their panties all wadded up and call it trolling.

Seems like whenever he pulls a string in here it's connected to somebody's tampon.

I agree. It seems to be way out of hand. I like El Luchador's threads. They make you think about things.

How on earth is it ok though to keep going even after Ron stepped in? Thats not cool at all. I am getting sick of seeing the mods get disrespected like that. Knock it off. They have a hard enough job dealing with issues. Should be a mod steps in and we should shut up and listen.

El Luchador is not breaking rules. As Ron has said, as Phil has said in the past, use the ignore feature if you must. No one forces you to read a post. It bothers you that bad move on.

At the end of the day brisket is just a piece of meat. Its not life and death if someone doesn't care for it.

Do I agree brisket is over rated? No but you don't see me trying to start a pissing match. I accept that other people have their own opinions. It is ok. I offered some advice on a book with recipes to try. It may help El Luchador or someone else and he may still think brisket is over rated. That is fine. It may change his mind or it may not.

I didn't care for brisket until I got it right imo. Someone else may not care for it. That is ok.

I am asking you guys to cut the crap and stop publically challenging the mods by ignoring them. The mods deserve better.
Snowflakes, panties, tampons and hot takes, not really though, good job! El Duchador is what he is, a farkin troll, glad I have him on ignore.

Ok. Read this! I am taking time away from my family because of this crap!

Mod Note:

Gang, we’ve been through this before! Anyone is free to post their opinion! IT IS NOT OK to attack them for doing so! Accusations of trolling and telling someone to GTFO will not be tolerated! If you can’t comment without resorting to personal attacks, walk away and find another thread! If a particular member’s posts tick you off, use the ignore feature! We are getting tired of dealing with these pissing matches!
Need an icon for threads that have been marked as a warning from mods. Break the rule again in that thread and serve a short suspension or whatever the site deems reasonable.

We can all be respectful even if we believe a post is intentionally inflammatory.

Now this post sure has me thinking about cooking up some brisket burnt ends tomorrow.
Seems that only happens with El Luchador posts something. Other people do it and they're "pushing the boundaries" or "challenging convention". But when he does it a select group of snowflakes get their panties all wadded up and call it trolling.

Seems like whenever he pulls a string in here it's connected to somebody's tampon.

Ugh, fark. Well, Ron has already warned people twice, let me expend some time sending out a warning too. While a bit rude and blunt in the expression, Medic makes a good point. I must admit I laughed my ass off when I read it because it so hit the nail on the head.

First off, let the mod team determine who the trolls are. You do yourselves no favors accusing someone of trolling. I don't care how long you have been here, etc. the rules apply to everyone, and the ban hammer falls on anyone. So, on that note, don't push the envelope, let it fall and then expect us to be happy about having to pick it up.

If you think we are all here to agree on everything, hold, hands and sing happy songs around the campfire, get over it. You need to step back and look at the bigger picture. The truth is we don't agree on everything.....UDS, Rib o Lator, Octoforks, PBC, someone posting ingredients in code so you actually hafta do some work to figure out the recipe, brisket, trolling vs having a not so popular opinion, and the list goes on.

If you feel that your chain, string, monofilament or whatever is getting yanked, then use ignore. We don't want to untangle chains or take the hook out. Do us that favor. As we have said a million damn times before......DO NOT FEEL THE NEED TO BE THE HERO OR TO REPLY TO EVERY THREAD OUT THERE. PLEASE, MOVE ALONG, FIND A THREAD THAT BETTER SUITS YOU. One that is more in line with your beliefs and way of thinking. If you can be civil and agree or disagree in the manner we have set forth within this forum, thank you and more power to you. We appreciate that. If you don't like my take cause it isn't in line with yours.....oh well. It's not always supposed to be that way. Plus, we end up cleaning up everyone's mess......mess is mess no matter how first started out.

I will say I'm not the fan of brisket I once was. OMG, say it isn't so, BobBRISKET? I cooked more than my share. Granted, not the pricey stuff that comes with gold sprinkles and fairy dust rub, but plenty of the others. The story was always the same. We enjoyed some flat or point on a sammich or whatever, the I ended cubing it up for something else. Thank the BBQ Gods Bubba mentioned Chuck Roll one day. I will cook one from time to time for the hell of it. If you want the send me one of those that comes with the gold sprinkles, I will gladly PM you my address! If you don't like my opinion because it goes against the grain.....oh well. See what I did there?

In closing, either move on, use ignore, or participate in a civil manner.

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Sooooool, you've all heard it before. If you have nothing constructive to add to the thread, then add nothing and move on. There's over a million others posts to read. If you don't like this one, just read a different one.

Eazy peezy..
Sooooool, you've all heard it before. If you have nothing constructive to add to the thread, then add nothing and move on. There's over a million others posts to read. If you don't like this one, just read a different one.

Eazy peezy..
So what you're saying is a UDS cooks the best brisket
Ugh, fark. Well, Ron has already warned people twice, let me expend some time sending out a warning too. While a bit rude and blunt in the expression, Medic makes a good point. I must admit I laughed my ass off when I read it because it so hit the nail on the head.

First off, let the mod team determine who the trolls are. You do yourselves no favors accusing someone of trolling. I don't care how long you have been here, etc. the rules apply to everyone, and the ban hammer falls on anyone. So, on that note, don't push the envelope, let it fall and then expect us to be happy about having to pick it up.

If you think we are all here to agree on everything, hold, hands and sing happy songs around the campfire, get over it. You need to step back and look at the bigger picture. The truth is we don't agree on everything.....UDS, Rib o Lator, Octoforks, PBC, someone posting ingredients in code so you actually hafta do some work to figure out the recipe, brisket, trolling vs having a not so popular opinion, and the list goes on.

If you feel that your chain, string, monofilament or whatever is getting yanked, then use ignore. We don't want to untangle chains or take the hook out. Do us that favor. As we have said a million damn times before......DO NOT FEEL THE NEED TO BE THE HERO OR TO REPLY TO EVERY THREAD OUT THERE. PLEASE, MOVE ALONG, FIND A THREAD THAT BETTER SUITS YOU. One that is more in line with your beliefs and way of thinking. If you can be civil and agree or disagree in the manner we have set forth within this forum, thank you and more power to you. We appreciate that. If you don't like my take cause it isn't in line with yours.....oh well. It's not always supposed to be that way. Plus, we end up cleaning up everyone's mess......mess is mess no matter how first started out.

I will say I'm not the fan of brisket I once was. OMG, say it isn't so, BobBRISKET? I cooked more than my share. Granted, not the pricey stuff that comes with gold sprinkles and fairy dust rub, but plenty of the others. The story was always the same. We enjoyed some flat or point on a sammich or whatever, the I ended cubing it up for something else. Thank the BBQ Gods Bubba mentioned Chuck Roll one day. I will cook one from time to time for the hell of it. If you want the send me one of those that comes with the gold sprinkles, I will gladly PM you my address! If you don't like my opinion because it goes against the grain.....oh well. See what I did there?

In closing, either move on, use ignore, or participate in a civil manner.


Sooooool, you've all heard it before. If you have nothing constructive to add to the thread, then add nothing and move on. There's over a million others posts to read. If you don't like this one, just read a different one.

Eazy peezy..

WTF! I wrote a damn sermon.....and you drop an "Eazy, Peezy!" I disagree! :twitch: :mrgreen:

Ok. Read this! I am taking time away from my family because of this crap!
It is what it is Ron, care to debate it's not, dude is a troll and I don't know how that can even be debatable. Personally I don't care because I have this jackass on ignore.

Hello El Deuchbag I see you. :heh:
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Just going to leave this here.........McRib for life!!
