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I typically use Cherry, Apple, and Sugar Maple. I've got a few cord of red and white oak from storms that is now stacked in my back yard, so I've been using that a lot recently.
I am fortunate that in my area there are lots of different woods to choose from. I use oak, pecan, cherry, hickory, fruitwoods. I used persimmon once-it has a unique flavor. I have a large fig tree that is coming down soon, will use that also.

I can and do access and use most of the above mentioned Anerican woods. I would like to try Kiawe.
Primarily beech, with some birch mixed in. Adds a subtle flavor. Only thing is it burns a little quicker, so it's hard to keep a decent coal bed sometimes.
Oak - Red for beef, white for other
Pecan - when I want to mix things up
Also have in chunks: grape for lamb, cherry, hickory, mesquite, apple, mesquite, and alder

What do I want to try? Guava and Kiawe

What is my go to? Oak for wood log fire, hickory for chunks.
I use whatever i can scrounge up, I heat the house with wood and I know a tree guy who drops me logs, so I usually get a mixture of oak, beech, maple, hickory, cherry and mulberry from him, I'll use all that and I can usually get Apple, pear and peach from a nearby orchard. I use what's free and local.
I've been using hickory for most everything sometimes I add in some apple. Have some wild cherry I'm going to use if I get an offset. Would like to try pecan or alder.
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I use whatever i can scrounge up, I heat the house with wood and I know a tree guy who drops me logs, so I usually get a mixture of oak, beech, maple, hickory, cherry and mulberry from him, I'll use all that and I can usually get Apple, pear and peach from a nearby orchard. I use what's free and local.

Just had 9 cord of red oak tree length logs dropped off. You get 3 guesses of what I use and 2 don't count.
mainly hickory, mesquite, oak,apple, pecan once in awhile grape, some cherry, beech; kinda all over what ever i get my hands on:becky: