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Swine Spectator

is Blowin Smoke!
Jun 4, 2012
Name or Nickame
A few weeks ago there was a Wok Throwdown. Someone (I don't recall who) brought up discadas again. I have seen them before and coveted them as a new cooking apparatus. However, there are a few things that held me back. First, I have several propane burners; including an awesome one from Tejas Smokers that came with a wok ring:


Well discadas run 22-24". My burner is 14". :cry:

I had e-mailed a few discada makers to see if I could get an 18" one. All replied "no", so I started looking at woks...

I have not had good luck with woks or stir-frying. I threw away the cheap thin one that I got at a Chinese grocery. However, thanks to the power of Google, I found the Wok Shop in San Francisco. They sell a cast iron wok that is shallow and only 17". This looked like what I wanted. As a bonus, they only asked $19 for it (Compared to $60-$90 for discadas). I decided to give it a shot.

It arrived yesterday and I couldn't be happier with my purchase:


It is the thinnest cast iron I have ever seen. Maybe 1/8" thick. I cleaned it and started seasoning it.


A little flaxseed oils should do the trick.


Per the Wok Shop's instructions, I sweetened the wok with onions.

Overall, I love how it cooks. I will most likely use it for Mexican-South Western cooking. I am not that versed in Asian cuisine, but who knows?
Nice set up. I like it. At $19 and in/from San Francisco that is a win. :thumb:
Looks good. I've been looking for a wok to use on my kettle, may have to give this one a try.
Interesting - I couldn't find any 18" discadas when I was searching. I'll bookmark this and stick with the cast iron for now.

Thanks for sharing.

Looks good. I've been looking for a wok to use on my kettle, may have to give this one a try.

If you're going to get one for a grill that you plan on using on a grate, make sure it has a flat bottom.

Most discadas orwoks have round bottoms because they sit in a round ring over a direct flame. That won't work well on a flat cooking grate.

I have a cast iron grill wok (I think it's a Weber) that has a nice flat bottom so I can use it on both the stovetop and grill. I love that thing.
Looks good. I've been looking for a wok to use on my kettle, may have to give this one a try.

I made one for a friend for his Weber kettle. Doesn't make a difference if the discada bottom is flat or rounded as I extended the handles to bridge the rim of the kettle, sits stable while woking.

The Wok Shop has some really nice things. I bought some of their equipment at Landarc's suggestion some years ago and am very happy with it. I've had my eye on the same wok for the same reason. I wanted a discada, but the size and the price was too big for me. The one you picked is the perfect size. Almost all of my woking now is done on a cast iron wok Harvard picked up at a tag sale for $3. As you can see, the bottom is flat and with the smaller handles it fits perfectly in my Keg. :thumb: