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If it should please the bloodthirsty Gods of Throwdowns, this is my entry for the Wok This Way Throwdown, humbly offered at the gory altar of TD's.


I may even award bonus points for that one. We'll see what kind of mood I'm in when the votes are done.:thumb::becky::whoo::clap2:
Bigabyte is even so nice, he posted in the rules that if someone is having trouble loading their pictures before the deadline, all they need to do is let him know and he will include your entry once the problem is fixed.

He is so thoughtful and considerate. We should all feel lucky to have him as our dictator. Asshat in chief as it were...
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Oh wonderfully magnificent and benevolent keeper of the TD's, please accept this, my holy entry into the TD polling status to bloweth thy enemy to tiny bits... in thine mercy...

For the Non Whack-A-Doodles out there, that was a formal request to have the following added as an entry to the Throw Down.

I made some crap in my discada on the kettle... thought I'd share it with you. :becky:

Started with 2 chicken boobs sliced in 1/2 and tossed in a mixture of dark soy sauce (in the words of landarc, "dark or regular, not light and never lite"), pressed ginger, garlic, s & p, Red Boat 40 N, toasted sesame oil and a little veg oil.

Tossed on the kettle for a quick sear. They were still a bit pink in the center when I pulled them off, didn't want to over cook 'em...


Tossed the disc on and got everything ready for the fried rice.


I had to improvise for the rice - the power had gone out for several hours and I had to wait to cook the rice till it came back on...

This worked pretty well


Onions, garlic, ginger, peas & carrots and s & p. And yes, I am that fast!


3 Eggs... see? There's that display of speed again.


Rice down, tossed to coat with oil


Just enough time for a break


Back to Work!

The obligatory Deguerred pic...


Switched from the disc to the wok, it was incredibly difficult to get stuff out of the disc without pulling one of these..



After a few min added some hoisin sauce, red boat, rice vinegar, garlic and ginger


I like mine spicy so I added crushed red and a couple of fresh thai chili's a fella gave me


splashed some rice vinegar on the bok choy and gave it some s & p and a sear


Plated shot, garnished with a bit of spring onion - I've godda stop using those stinkin' green plates for TD's!! horrible contrast!

please use this shot.

And here's what I actually dove into, and yeah, I killed the whole thang.


Thanks for lookin!
Wow, cool idea for fire under the wok, PitbossJB. I think the phone pictures are better, too. Great looking entry in spite of picture difficulties.

Knucklhed, all of your entry is fabulous, the fun stuff, too. I could sit down to a plate of that stir fry any day. We use the same hoisin brand as you!

Delicious looking entries, gentlemen.