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This is my official entry into "Wok This Way" Throwdown

Fresh spring rolls, my official entry into the "Wok this Way" TD.

I marinated the skinless boneless chicken thighs about a day and a half with split/pounded lemongrass, rice vinegar, sesame oil, raw sea salt, dried & ground ginger & garlic and freshly smashed white peppercorns. This is the first time I actually had the lemongrass in the marinade, normally I would split and pound them and "bloom" their flavour in hot frying pan face down into the oil. I found adding them to the long marinade time enhanced the lemongrass flavour.


Our wok is buried somewhere in unpacked boxes in the basement so I used our big azz cast iron frying pan. Pulled the lemongrass out of the marinade first and fried it screaming hot into a mixture of sesame oil and grapeseed oil -- good thing both have high smoke points.



Added red peppers and mushrooms to one side of the frying pan. I normally use raw sweet peppers in fresh spring rolls but to keep in with "Wok this Way" decided to sautee them a bit and remove them from the heat while they were still crunchy. It worked, they were quite delicious in the spring rolls that way. Had mushrooms in the fridge so threw them in to keep the peppers company.


The dipping sauce is a take off of the dim sum ginger vinegar I used to make, only I use powdered ginger for spring rolls. Rice vinegar, powdered ginger, sea salt and some demerara sugar in a jar to sit on the counter for a day. Peanut butter gets added later.


Let the stir fried chicken and peppers chill in the fridge overnight. By the end of the rolling process the chill will be off the stuffing and ready to serve. I was ready to wrap and roll and discovered I was out of rice paper! A mad dash to town and back delayed rolling about 45 minutes.


Got my tray of water ready to dip rice paper in, then placed the wetted rice paper individually on plastic plates to soften while I moved on to the next step.


Chopped up my stuffing ingredients fine, including Thai basil and green onions. If you've never tried Thai basil I urge you to, it's so different from Italian basil, it has this underlying fresh licorice taste that is heaven!


Time to add the peanut butter -- for taste and to thicken the dipping sauce.


At this point it starts to come together. I make tiny piles for each ingredient so they're easy to scoop up and roll. These ingredients will make 12 fresh spring rolls and the most important thing -- don't overstuff. The rice paper is very delicate and tricky to work with. I made many broken and wonky spring rolls before I finally learned to stop putting so much in them.


I found rolling them on the softening plate made life easier, they were less likely to get stuck together or holey. Still have to be careful with them, though.


Roll 'em just like a burrito!


And they're done!!


Please use this last picture for the voting poll.


I posted a lot of detail to make these fresh spring rolls as a step-by-step guide for anyone that might be interested in making them, too. I taught myself the hard way and made a lot of broken, strange looking logs -- but they tasted good! Pulled pork is a great meat stuffing and I think brisket would be, too.

Hope you enjoyed watching!
I sense a bit of snobbery in that remark. Surely you underestimate us. Farkkng Aussies. :rolleyes::tsk:

CD :becky:

CD, No Snobbery involved at all! I was impressed. Really impressed!:-D

I love the invention and diversity of these TD's and honestly, every week someone puts up a dish that makes you think.

Please, never assume I'm better than anyone, as I'm really a student and always shall remain so.


The following is my humble submission into the Wok TD...

I had some of these that I needed to be dealt with.


And a Wok at the ready on the Avocado AKA Milton. :sad:


Lit some lump and threw a stick and a half of linguiça and some bacon.


Once it was rendered down a bit I added 1 onion, 4 cloves of garlic and 2 tablespoons of crushed red pepper.


After it was caramelized a bit I folded in a small can of tomato sauce and the beans.


I thought I was going to have problems with temp control but it wasn't bad at one point I had to move the wok to the side to slow the simmer down.


It was seasoned with S & P, paprika and a little cumin.

When the pods were fork tender I added about 4 tbls of milk the 2 tbls of sugar, then I dropped 4 eggs... no not on the floor.


Served on a bed of rice.


And an ice cold beer.


I'm not sure which pic to use I'll leave it in biggies hands. :scared:


This was not you traditional wok cook but the end results were incredible and came together really well in the wok. For a minute I thought my wok was too small but it ended up being perfect. Thanks for looking.

Oh yeah there was light smoke involved, the smoke wood was the small helper handle and yes it did leave a mark. :twitch:
Great entry Paul... :clap:

I had to look over the plated shots a couple times to realize what I thought I was seeing as chicken and shrooms :loco: were actually the eggs and beans. There is no confusing that I'd love a plate of it right now. :hungry:
Nice entry, makes me think Portuguese. Looks packed full of flavour and I'm ready to sit down to a plate. :hungry:

Great entry Paul... :clap:

I had to look over the plated shots a couple times to realize what I thought I was seeing as chicken and shrooms :loco: were actually the eggs and beans. There is no confusing that I'd love a plate of it right now. :hungry:

Thanks Kathy, Al.

It is Portuguese, we invented the wok. :crazy:

Al when I was putting up the pictures I thought the egg looked like a boneless chicken breast and was curious if someone else might think so too.
Here's my entry for the "wok this way" throwdown.

I made a Kung Pao Shrimp with Cashews and Lemon on the bottom half of my Mini UDS.

bottom of mini UDS.jpg

ready to go.jpg

My ingredients are Shrimp, Julienned Carrots, Garlic chunks, Onions, Red Bell Pepper, Fresh Thai Chilis, Lemon chunks with peel, raw Cashews, sliced Ginger Root, Broccoli florets and for a garnish Basil chiffonade and toasted Pine Nuts.




All done


Dinner is served, use this picture.

Dinner is served.JPG

Let's eat!

Let's eat.JPG

Thanks for looking.