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You have to look through one eye to see the pirate. :wink:

The wife and kids went to the shore tonight. I had a couple ideas on a wok this way entry. Sadly, I went to the bar instead...don't judge me. :beer: Maybe this weekend. :)

1. By reading this post or by quoting or otherwise referencing it, you agree to the entirety of declarations in this agreement and release bigabyte (the poster) of any and all responsibility of any misperceptions causing you to feel any negative feelings whatsoever resulting from any content in the post.
2. Bigabyte (the poster) loves you and values your feelings, opinions and overall well being, and every statement in this post is intended to make you feel this. If you feel otherwise then know that you are mistaken and he meant something very positive, and nothing negative at all, no matter how you ultimately choose to accept it.
3. Bigabyte is not responsible or liable for your interpretation of his words, whether you interpreted them accurately or not.
The wife and kids went to the shore tonight. I had a couple ideas on a wok this way entry. Sadly, I went to the bar instead...don't judge me. :beer: Maybe this weekend. :)
What? You're telling me that you don't have a farkin' bar on your precious farkin' boat, or that you just can't farking cook while you're farking the fark at sea?

Hot Kathi Rolls... discada disco - close enough to wokkin' out?

If it should please the bloodthirsty Gods of Throwdowns, this is my entry for the Wok This Way Throwdown, humbly offered at the gory altar of TD's.

After perusing the (new and improved) TD rules, and some clarification, it appears that a discada cook qualifies for this week's throwdown... unless some farker finds a way to DQ me. So, on with the festivities.

I made Hot Kathi (say it like kaa-tee) Rolls. Basically, a hot wrap sort of Indian street food item, with grilled onions and stuff, chicken or goat meat, an egg, hot sauce, and a little ketchup. Usually eaten on the go, held in one hand. "Kathi" means wooden skewer, kind of like the ones used to make satay. The cooking device is a tava (or tawa) which is essentially a thick discada. My tava is about 20" in diameter and weighs about 10kg. I use it on the propane burner for my turkey fryer, but am in the process of figuring out how to mod it for my Performer and kettles.

This cook was done outside by the pool, on a beautiful weekend morning. Life doesn't get much better.

First, I grilled some tandoori chicken, on my recently acquired SJP:

My moment of "reflection":

The stars of this show (tandoori chicken, onions, thai green chillies, ginger, bell peppers:

The onions go down first, then the rest gets tossed in the mix:


Put the tandoori chicken on to warm it up a bit:

The wrap used is a parantha, kind of like a tortilla (actually I did use tortillas... *lazy mod*:

A beaten egg goes on the tava, and then the parantha right on top (I made some with egg whites):


Assembly - chicken, onions, green chiles, squirt of lime juice, Maggi Chili Garlic ketchup all go on the egg-parantha.

Roll it up and you get a Hot Kathi Roll. They are usually wrapped in newspaper to keep your hands clean.

They turned out pretty damn good, if I do say so myself. I had grilled extra chicken thinking I would have some for luch for a day or two, but there were no leftovers!!

***I'm gonna ask bigabyte to please pick the best shot for voting purposes. Thanks.***
I really like this shot, but I think it would look better if you had another shot like it with a couple tortilla's in the center... guess yer gonna have to redo that cook... :rolleyes: :tsk:


Awesome cook BTW!!!
I really like this shot, but I think it would look better if you had another shot like it with a couple tortilla's in the center... [edit]

That's a good tip. I wonder if I can photoshop one of the tortilla shots onto a "background" shot of the tava... that might still be within the TD rules:biggrin1:
Lovely food and lovely pictures, caliking. I especially like the reflection shot though it's not food, it's just stunning. I like the plated kathi shot with the pool behind, last pic, for the poll. I could dive right in both the pool and plate!
Lovely food and lovely pictures, caliking. I especially like the reflection shot though it's not food, it's just stunning. I like the plated kathi shot with the pool behind, last pic, for the poll. I could dive right in both the pool and plate!

The reflection shot is a "punny" pic... but not entirely. I love cooking outside and luckily summer in Houston this year is not the scorcher that it was last year! We did dive right in after lunch though!