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Love them Hot Wings with with Habanero Death Dust! :becky:
View attachment 203785
View attachment 203784

hdd is great on wings. the best part is its not just heat without a point. its great flavor that compliments the pain.

I have some crucible but im a wimp. sometimes I'll invite people over for a game I call wing roulette. several rubs on wings but they're a mixed up. get the crucible win a prize.
Don't know what to say. Saddened to see them close. The outstanding customer service was appreciated, especially when the request was odd (I had requested to buy labels to put on my own spice bottles). Always thought the products were outstanding. Their chili seasoning has become my new favorite and I placed my last order of it a couple days ago. I wish you the best Mike!
you just told on yourself. I doubt you poured through that many old threads to know about our Chinese friend. you've only been a member for 5 months. I'm 100% sure your just a reskinned version of a past douche canoes if I was part of the mod team I'd ban you before breakfast

You're are hilarious. I had an account a long time ago older then your account, I was never banned, just lost my email address and forgot the password since i didn't use this forum for years.
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My wife and I were truly sad over this news when we got the email.
I am Brazilian, and for me putting anything other than rock salt and maybe a little pepper on high grade steak (prime, wagyu) is sacrilege.
Then last year I stumbled onto a post in this forum raving about some Carne Crosta thing, and I had to try.
To this day, Carne Crosta is the only thing I believe that actually enhances the natural flavor of high grade beef beyond just rock salt, and that's saying a lot.
I placed a few orders totaling about 500 bucks on a variety of his rubs (mostly Carne Crosta :) ), and I am not sure it was enough :(
International support ...

... New Zealand chiming in here.

My usual process revolves around my annual trip to the US to see family in Philly. I order direct sometimes but usually buy local when in Philly and then lug back kilos of Oakridge (enough for at least a year) spread amongst my and wife's luggage. The looks I get from the very attentive agricultural inspectors at Auckland Airport ... "you went to America and brought back BBQ rubs - now I've seen everything!" The drugs they are imagining are there alright, but they are BBQ taste 'drugs', albeit with suspicious names like 'Black Ops'.

Covid put a hold on that and my next visit isn't until May next year. I'll get my order in today for delivery to Philly and hold it there until we are back in town.

Mike, so sorry mate, but the satisfaction of a terrific job, universally acknowledged, is yours - to this we add the heartfelt thanks of fellow-BBQ-travellers from far away in New Zealand. Go well sport.
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You're are hilarious. I had an account a long time ago older then your account, I was never banned, just lost my email address and forgot the password since i didn't use this forum for years.

Feel free to not use this forum for many more years. I regret apologizing now but at least it made me feel better. Now I truly couldn't care less.
This is one of the few sites where ive ordered rub many times over the years, and i was always happy with the quantity and quality. My dad owned a bbq place when he was alive; and have seen how losing it takes a toll on your physical and mental health.

I say this with no judgement, but take care of your mental and physical health. Fixating on externals doesnt make underlining issues goes away, it just delays receiving professional help you (we all) need.
wonder if they could publish a book with their recipes or at least very close? Less shipping cost and no stock. Plus I know a great spice company that can get me anything I want to get. Con Yeager Spices can't be beat. Best most potent spices available.
So yeah while it is sad to see company close. Maybe it will be a new oppurtunity for Mike to try his hand at writing a cook book and going into detail on how to make your own rubs. Just saying he should sell an eBook or get books published.
Just a thought.