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took a shot in the dark and pulled into a small architectural metal shop and was able to pick up a sheet of expanded metal in the EXACT width I needed for my cooking grates and just long enough for 4 and best part was the guy sold it to me for $10!!!

Took it home and after a considerable amount of cutting and welding got my fire grate put together. If I have any expanded metal left over I will put it across the back but for now I just think it's cool!


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Well it's official...after today's work I am two cooking grates away from having a functional smoker!!!

Today I made my chimney damper and cut in my air intake!

Dave, this thing looks incredible!!!!! Later this week I will fire it up again and see how it does with airflow.


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I like the way the intake turned out, it was fun making the prototype. After seeing it and knowing it can easily be scaled up I'm kinda wondering if a larger version could do double duty as a firebox door and intake
As soon as I get my cooking grates made and cleaned (probably today cause I'm off work earlier) I will fire it up for a burn and then a cook and there will be pics a plenty!!!

Did you have any of my ribs at the bash?
May I present to the world...BoomShuckuLucky! aka BabyBoom!!!

Got about 20 minutes worth of grinding to do (not tonight) and I'll do a practice/second seasoning burn and put food on it this weekend...stay tuned!!!


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