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Found some matches.
Jul 10, 2019
Elliston, VA
Name or Nickame
I currently have a weber kettle for my grilling needs and the wife got me a camp chef DLX a few years ago. It is a good smoker and does ok but doesn't have the smoke flavor I'd like. I've used tubes and it has helped but overall I've not been that impressed. I'm going to try one new thing this weekend I saw to see if that helps.

I'm considering getting a WSM or an oklahoma joe offset or something similar. Now this is my problem. I have 90 hobbies and two younger kids so time is difficult for me to babysit long smokes so I'd like to get a bbqguru or something similar.

Will one of those work on an offset? I've read yes and I've read no. If they do I'll likely go the offset route but I'm just not sure. Also how often would you expect to fill the offset with one of these vs the WSM?

Thanks for the help and a great forum.
Howdy! If you are busy with family/kids/90 hobbies, I would not suggest a stick burner. And no, they are not really designed to be used w/ a temp controller. A WSM or drum (maybe a Hunsaker or Gateway) would probably serve you very well. Personally though, I find the 26.75 Weber kettle to be a fantastic all around charcoal grill AND smoker. Super simple, rugged, dependable and the results speak for themselves:)

All that said, I am a big fan of pellet cookers and cannot imagine being without one. In my opinion pellet cookers have a lot going for them, especially if you are a busy family man :)
WSM will probably be what is suggested by most and there is probably a good reason for that. I would also advise you to check out the Pit Barrel Cooker to see if that interests you. You might want to add what kind of budget you are working with so you can get more detailed suggestions.
Wow. Thanks for the quick responses.

I'll take read a bit closer and respond with more questions later. I'm trying to keep the cost under 600ish max. I'd rather stay closer to the 500 range. I realize the controller would kick this at the top end of the budget but that's what I expected. Also I could get the controller later. I'm more interested in which option would work best.
A decent offset is going to cost you more than budget, still need baby sitting and won’t work well with a controller. Sounds like you want:

B) a drum/barrel
C) a Weber 26 and a slow-n-sear

And maybe a controller, but you might find you don’t really need it with any of these options.

Pellet grills are also an option, but if burning pellets in a tube is not giving you the smoke you want, I am guessing (just a guess) that the flavor profile you are after is the drippings on hot charcoal flavor that you won’t get from a stick burning offset or a pellet grill.
Agree with everyone else, the offset isn't a good choice for you. A pellet grill is the one that you can truly set it and forgot. With a controller the others can be pretty much as well. Even without it, they are stable as long as the weather cooperates.

A WSM is a classic smoker and will let you get a pretty heavy smoke flavor if you want it. The pellet is light but clean. Both are good
Another vote for the WSM 22... my Droid has been so reliable and puts out killer-b smoked proteins. I don’t use a guru - the WSM rocks and rolls well on its own. Great flavors, easy to use/master and less than $500 with tax... great option.
I currently have a weber kettle...

Again, hbound already has a cooker for the job.

And while a 26" Kettle is a nice grill, it is not absolutely necessary. The 22"s are well up to the job. Heck, for over a decade all my outdoor cooks were done on an 18.5" kettle.
hbound, I was pretty much in your same exact shoes a few months ago. Minus having two kids, I’m in the same boat of a million hobbies and I was also wanting a stick burner. I’m going to throw another bone in for a drum smoker. Specifically for the Hunsaker. It was the top end of my budget too, but was worth every penny. From Marks wonderful customer service to the food I’ve cranked out on it already, there’s not a single regret. The thing is literally as set it and forget it as it gets without being a pellet smoker.
+1 on the WSM 22! I started with the WSM 18 when that is all they had and added a WSM 22 when they came out. The extra cooking space makes the 22 well worth the extra money.

The max I’ve ever cooked with one load of charcoal was 16 hours at 225 with beer/water in the pan and that was just adjusting the bottom vents with no temperature controller. Once you get it stabilized on temp it swill stay on temp for hours.

With an IQ110 set for 250 at the grate with beer/water in the pan it went 12 hours until the temps dropped by about 15° Then I threw in a few more hands of charcoal to complete the 15 hour cook.

This setup will hold whatever temp you set the temp controller to until the coals start to burn out. I also use a remote temp monitor that will alarm me if the pit temp is not where it should be or if the food is at temp.

If you are doing other things or sleeping this setup is probably as set it and forget it as you can get in a reasonably priced charcoal smoker.

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hbound, I was pretty much in your same exact shoes a few months ago. Minus having two kids, I’m in the same boat of a million hobbies and I was also wanting a stick burner. I’m going to throw another bone in for a drum smoker. Specifically for the Hunsaker. It was the top end of my budget too, but was worth every penny. From Marks wonderful customer service to the food I’ve cranked out on it already, there’s not a single regret. The thing is literally as set it and forget it as it gets without being a pellet smoker.

Tell me more about the set it and forget it aspect of the Hunsaker. After locking it in at set temp... how long can you safely walk away from it and know it’s gonna hold temp? Have you ever done a low n slow overnight cook?
Tell me more about the set it and forget it aspect of the Hunsaker. After locking it in at set temp... how long can you safely walk away from it and know it’s gonna hold temp? Have you ever done a low n slow overnight cook?

I know you weren't asking me and I am no expert on the Hunsaker, but I can give a recent experience. About a month ago a friend asked me to cook some pulled pork for his work event. Butts went on the drum around 11pm and if I remember right I set the smoker to run at 275. I went to bed and had the Thermoworks Smoke set to around 50 degrees in either direction. Alarm never went off and the cook was a success.

I have only used lump in the thing and it has been great on every cook. I don't know if briqs would have more consistent temps. I would certainly recommend them. Apparently they have added more base colors as well if that means anything to you. I highly doubt you will regret the purchase.
Offsets are not a "set and forget". Cheap offsets even less so. Bullet/Drum probably your best option in your price range. I have not owned either but owned a Kamado that would hold a steady temp for a good 10 hours or so with a Digi Q controller. You just top it off when you wrap your brisket and get a few more hours. I imagine a drum would be similar.