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Dec 11, 2007
El Paso, TX
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So, this is an offshoot of our current Picadillo ( ) thread where mayo was called into question!:twisted: The hot dog thing is just some added info. If you EVER get to eat a TRUE Mexican style hot dog, EAT ONE! OMG:thumb: See the vid and look at all the goodies a Mexican Style Dog can have. Look for the Mayo Swipe! HAHA! I have had dogs in Hermosillo and Juarez. It's Cinco De Mayo in your MOUTH!:mad2::heh::clap2::bow::thumb:
[ame=""]HOT DOG DE HERMOSILLO - YouTube[/ame]

Look at their set ups, the carts! Top notch. These places are the go to late night get some grub spots. Damn, I'm hungry!

GOOD FOOD IS WORLDWIDE!!! 2:52 in the vid. My people. I love em. Passion for food!

By the way........Coca Cola is MASSIVE over there! Can ya tell? HEHE. Don't get me started on the flavor of a Mexican Coca Cola. You all are missing out!
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I'm telling ya! We have a guy down here in Socorro, TX that sells the Mexican Style out of a little food trailer. The sloppiest mess of a hot dog you have ever had but of so good! The experience is half the part. Gotta say that bacon grease is a major factor!
Neat video. They also use mayo on the street corn (Elote) they sell. Another OMG experience. :thumb:

Mayo on elote or en vaso is the bomb! Some Valentina and Queso figger it out! :thumb: Look at the TUBS of mayo!
[ame=""]Elotes y Tostitos en Monterrey - YouTube[/ame]

See da mayo? LOL! Butter is a factor too. You guys gotta learn Spanish!

We take chips to another level too! We love the hot chit! Take a bag of chips and dump dips into em! What a concept.
I'll bite! I can personally attest to Mexican Coca Cola. It's sold at the mom and pop in my neighborhood. REAL sugar. What I want to know is, Bob! Why didn't you ever tell me Habas Con Chili were so good before? I just discovered them last week. Fried lima beans! Who'da thunk?