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I have eaten many bacon wrapped hot dogs in Mexico in my youth. They were the obligatory after bar last call. We would loiter around a street cart for about an hour or two stuffing our face with dogs. To me that was the best part of the night. Yours look soooo much safer and tastier than some that I have "enjoyed". I do miss the Sonoran style of Mexican food south of AZ, but the Mex food here does not suck either.
Thank you Q Junkie. I know there are many different varieties of the Mexican bacon wrapped hot dog but this seemed to by the origin of them so this is what I went with.

Yes we have great Mexican food here in So / Low Cal.
Not what I expected to see when I opened this thread. Great looking grub that I'm going to have to try.

Also good to see a guy in a U of A hat in the video...Bear Down Arizona!