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Over the last several days, I've been asked if Merl was banned. To end that line of questioning, the answer is 'NO'. Merl asked a question, and expressed his opinion. He is welcome here, within the same rules that everybody else is.
ADMIN RESPONSE: You point ME to one thread where a moderator, ACTING AS A MODERATOR and NOT A MEMBER has overstepped a boundary or broken one of our rules and i will address it. Moderators live to a tighter standard here than members and I have yet to see one abuse that privledge.

Our moderators however ARE STILL MEMBERS and are entitled to voice their personal opinions. When they are acting in an official capacity, it is stated as 'MOD NOTE", 'ADMIN NOTE', and sometimes even posted in assigned color(green for moderators, red for admins). There should never be any confusion when staff is acting in official capacity as opposed to personal.

I have stated time and time again, we are about FREE FLOW OF INFORMATION. Moderators are instructed to NEVER moderate on content and to enforce a VERY, sometimes OVERLY detailed set of rules. This also holds true for members who can not expect us to stifle another members opinions or statements because they, or someone doesn't like hearing it. Open, frank discussions, that as long as they are within our guidelines, and remain civil will ALWAYS be allowed on this forum. When required, moderators will step in to put a conversation back on track and defuse a possibly volatile situation before it spins out of control. This is done INSTEAD of shutting down or removing a thread, and it is only a last resort when we feel we can no longer control the situation or the thread has completely unraveled. Only then do we shut it down. Anything short of these efforts is censorship and we dont roll that way. If anyone prefers a forum where controversial or sensitive topics are sanitized or removed based on an alliance or emotion there are a few out there that will cater to you. WE ARE NOT ONE OF THEM.

We have had and always will have controversial discussions crop up that folks don't like, myself and staff included. But as much as I may dislike the content, topics or direction a thread is going, I WILL NEVER ALLOW CENSORSHIP. Unlike other forums, the administration here does not act out of personal opinions, alliances or emotion, but instead do their best to perform as professionally and as fairly as possible to enforce our rules.

With 1500+ posts a day, it is impossible to find each and every breach, and with that we do depend on our membership to not only police themselves, but other members thru the use of the 'report bad post' button. We receive many reports a day and each is evaluated. Determinations are made as to whether the reports are valid according to our guidelines.

I personally am extremely proud to have the moderating team that I do and I think they are one of the best ones around. Some of them have been in place for years, and they run this forum in my absence. I have no problem sleeping at night knowing it is in their hands.

If any member sees a problem they feel needs attention use that report button and it will be handled accordingly.

On a personal note: I thank the members in this thread who have stood up for our integrity, the direction of this forum and recognize the efforts we put into making this forum what it is. :thumb:

I call that the BIG TRUCK RULE, get in or move over. Here, Here Phil
Thanks for making this a place I can relax.
I so agree with Jorge.....while we dont agree with Merl's perspective, he and Candy should be allowed to disagree on here like the rest of least we're getting the information and I'd like to thank both Merl and Candy for that, even if we don't like the fact that discension exists in the BOD. As a BOD member myself of another bbq related association, I understand how easily that can occur in the normal day to day of conducting BOD business. For all we know, outside of the bod meetings Candy and Merl might kiss and make up. Just like we do on this forum and at comps....I've been near tears in some BOD meetings that got heated, I now know that it's all part of trying to accomplish something within a limited amount of time without a moderator to keep us on BOD member I absolutely thought was childish and authoritative actually turned into quite a generous and knowledgeable bbq friend that I go to often for advice on lots of bbq related business information.
I love this place and the forum is the first one I have ever been apart of. I have yet to see any credence in viable distrust. This is one place that I can retreat to - learn from and grow with. Mods do a heck of a job and folks seem to be themselves which is why its such an awesome place to spend countless hours.
It is sad to have a person ask a question like that and then not respond.

We don't have many KCBS comps. in Texas. I have to wonder,is that a good thing?
At first I was miffed. But really, from what I know of Merl he is a supporter of us. I think we need to find him and show him some Brethren love. It may have been a heart felt observation, on his part, no matter our opinions. Lets get him back contributing. I believe he has helped folks out in many situations. I dont know him like many of you so I would appreciate someone contacting him and reassuring him. He is a Brethren.
Wow! Spend a few day on a business tip without net access and I missed out on all the festivities. To me, we don't have to defend ourselves to anyone. We all know what we have here and I personally would never want to see it change. It is amazing, as big a group of folks that frequent here, it really isn't much different than when I became a member more than 5 years ago. I think that says it all. I think it's hard to ignore, but I think we would all do better with a lot less of this KCBS bullchit. I just wish there were more MBN contests here in the Northeast. One catagory to turn in, no garnish and you get to bullchit the judges, what could be better?
Well, well well...

I just happen to come across these post going here. Let me tell ya once that this site is a good forum with very knowledgeable persons and many personalities. With so many different people and opinions there will be a heated debate. It happens!!! This forum unlike the 4 letter forum is not censored to the extreme where there is a select few who can say what they want were others are blocked from posting... I guess they don't want any ones feeling hurt or things have to be sugar coated that the bee are starting to get cavities :-D.
The thing that is a killer at the 4 letter forum is that if a newbie asks a question for the most part they do get a answer from the ones who act like adults, love to cook / BBQ, have something positive say and remember they were once a newbie... The others just ride the newbie or just start flooding the question with there own lil conversations... That's so discouraging and frustrating!!!:mad2: Which is one reason I came to the Brethren. I've been greeted with open arm, helped with many questions/ problems and I'm still learning... Every day there is a lesson to be learned...:becky:
Some people need not come here and stir the "honey pot" so to speak to see what smell they can produce... That's no cool nor wanted.:hand:
Debate is good as long as at the end of the day we can be civil and show a brother & sister some LoVe... I am proud to be part of the Brethren!!! :bow:
I will mention that I don't post alot in the Comp threads, but if you're asking if the Brethren is like the other BBQ forums out there - then I'd say NO.

I spent a few years at another forum, mostly reading because when you share there, you have to be ready to dodge or duck. They aren't particularly kind to newbies and they are even rougher on seasoned members. And in my experience there is a real old timers/buddy network set up to the extent that even when they violate their own written rules - those rules are not enforced. That has lead to a volatile environment that's not particularly friendly.

I was fortunate enough to find the Brethren, read, share - and see the environment is suited with the name.

Sure there will be disagreements, differences of opinions, and different ideas shared, perhaps even outright arguments. But the underlying tone and tenor of friendship, kinship, "brethren" is still there.

I appreciate the more "family" "friendly" environment/atmosphere, thanks to all the Mods/Admin and Brethren for making me feel part of things too.
I've been out of touch for a week or so, but, have anyone heard anymore on Merl's rationale for posing this question?
I would have deleted the post because if Merl really understood this forum he wouldn't have been so obtuse as to ask the question in the first place.
Merl asked a question, and expressed his opinion. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that! He's just as welcome here, as anybody else that has posted to this thread. If Merl chooses not to participate, that's his decision as well and we should respect that, without poking at a member that isn't around.
Merl asked a question, and expressed his opinion. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that! He's just as welcome here, as anybody else that has posted to this thread. If Merl chooses not to participate, that's his decision as well and we should respect that, without poking at a member that isn't around.

It is his decision. But it is certainly bad manners to drop a fairly nasty post and then not have the courtesy to address any of the responses to your question. Thats what a troll does. A true member of this forum stands behind his or her posts.
It is his decision. But it is certainly bad manners to drop a fairly nasty post and then not have the courtesy to address any of the responses to your question. Thats what a troll does. A true member of this forum stands behind his or her posts.

It is his decision. But it is certainly bad manners to drop a fairly nasty post and then not have the courtesy to address any of the responses to your question. Thats what a troll does. A true member of this forum stands behind his or her posts.

I've been out of touch for a week or so, but, have anyone heard anymore on Merl's rationale for posing this question?


In which case I appreciate his thoughtfulness. I hope he gets his keyboard fixed soon.