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I wish I could change my colors so readily on my posts.... :becky:

** OK, just lighten up Frances...

what were we talking about again?
I don't know, maybe I missed the post that went over the line. Was an individual post deleted? I see LGHT's last post was # 47. I read through the entire thread but maybe I missed something.

From that thread it looked like he was pushing it but staying within the boundaries.

I am not agreeing or disagreeing with him I just do not see the cause for the Ban. But then I miss a lot of things.
{Midnight ☼ Smoke};1447508 said:
I don't know, maybe I missed the post that went over the line. Was an individual post deleted? I see LGHT's last post was # 47. I read through the entire thread but maybe I missed something.

From that thread it looked like he was pushing it but staying within the boundaries.

I am not agreeing or disagreeing with him I just do not see the cause for the Ban. But then I miss a lot of things.

I'll be happy to explain, since I deleted the post.

In all honesty there is no right or wrong. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion and voiced mine and have given the reasons as such. If you care to interject some meaningful discussion toward the topic at hand great, but if not please refrain from useless post that are only focused on attacking the opinions of others.

Getting the last word in, and taking the final shot at a protagonist.

I didn't moderate the thread prior to that point. I think there was some good discussion and a give/take that was beneficial to a point. Once it became more personal, I made it clear the the discussion needed to stick to the issues.
Being a new paid member for only 8 months, I'd say it's not going the same direction as other forums.

I have sent emails to the forum mod/admin asking some questions for over 2 months.

To date, no reply! Other forums at least reply.

Not sure if I will be a "paying" member in the future.

Being a new paid member for only 8 months, I'd say it's not going the same direction as other forums.

I have sent emails to the forum mod/admin asking some questions for over 2 months.

To date, no reply! Other forums at least reply.

Not sure if I will be a "paying" member in the future.


I'm sure some of us would love to help... what are the questions?

PM sent to Randyhowsit. Thanks Andy. We appreciate YOUR help in trying to MOVE this thread in a more postive direction.

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im on it guys.. Randy(Don) used the 'contact us' link, which got reset to default after a maintenance upgrade a while back, and I was unaware of the reset. Thje link was going to a non existent mailbox for a while until someone pointed it out to me. The link was fixed a few weeks ago.. and we are working randys question now.
on another note... a few posts got removed here to keep this thread intact and on track.

Merl started this thread with an observation and all opinions were allowed. not one of Merls responses were removed, nor were any ontopic or relevant posts. We will always allow a free flow of information and civil discussion. If things are brought to our attention that we deem it necessary to change our directions, policies or processes, we will do it.. We will also enforce our rules fairly, and we try to be as consistent and uniform as possible.

Our rules however have very specific instruction regarding personal attacks, challenging moderators in public, and or not heeding a moderators warnings or instructions. Action is taken when any of these are challenged or broken.
I'd like to add a quick note as well, and I'll be to the point with it. Sometimes we need to leave well enough ALONE! Learn to step back. Realize that not EVERYTHING needs to be turned into a "HAHA" moment after the fact. Especially, in a situation like this one where a temporary ban had to be enforced. This is in reference to the last few deleted posts.

Lastly, Randyhowsit AKA sdbbq1234........glad it all worked out and you got your ?'s answered. Welcome to the Club House, Brother!

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I read the questionable post and like I stated it looked borderline but not over the line. Maybe the PM's between Jorge and LGHT were very heated, I don't know.

I glanced over a few other posts in different threads by LGHT and for the most part, conversation was civil.

I guess my only thought is, a 30 day Ban on a 1st offense, it just seems a little harsh under the circumstances. At least he did not come right out and call someone a farking dumbA$$. On a side note, maybe Jorge felt it was just going to get worse and nipped it in the bud, if so that was a good call.

Seems I may have read in the rules about this 30 day rule but was not sure it was set in stone for all offenses. Seems I remember sometime back there was another member that started something and the Ban was like 7-10 days or 48 hours I just cannot recall, maybe I was dreaming it.

I would hate to lose a possible quality member over something that might be salvageable with a slap on the wrist rather than a 30 day stint in the hole.

I believe in turning the cheek, once!
Getting the last word in, and taking the final shot at a protagonist.


1. the leading character, hero, or heroine of a drama or other literary work.

2. a proponent for or advocate of a political cause, social program, etc.

3. the leader or principal person in a movement, cause, etc.

4. the first actor in ancient Greek drama, who played not only the main role, but also other roles when the main character was offstage. Compare deuteragonist, tritagonist.

5. Physiology . agonist.

Not sure if I was the protagonist but will assume I was since the thread that was deleted was amied at me...2 things, had no idea what a protagonsit was, had to look it up, still dont get it...someone is gonna have to tell me which one I am, and...

Hell if I could "interject some meaningful discussion toward the topic" I would probably be posting on Mensa forums and not here...
Well, I was wondering if Merl had dropped this bomb off and then forgotten about it or just never logged in again...
Taking a look at his stats, he's made a few posts in the last week and logged in as recently as Nov 1st.
Unless he's unsubscribed himself from this thread, he should still recieve an email notification for the first reply since his last log in - that would mean that Bentley's post would have assuredly been sent to Merl via email notification, thus reminding him of his little creation here...

Since he hasn't logged in since the 1st, he won't recieve notification of this post, but on the off chance he cruises by here... Merl?? This thread has recieved more views and more posts than any other thread you've ever started... shouldn't you reply?
Well, I was wondering if Merl had dropped this bomb off and then forgotten about it or just never logged in again...
Taking a look at his stats, he's made a few posts in the last week and logged in as recently as Nov 1st.
Unless he's unsubscribed himself from this thread, he should still recieve an email notification for the first reply since his last log in - that would mean that Bentley's post would have assuredly been sent to Merl via email notification, thus reminding him of his little creation here...

Since he hasn't logged in since the 1st, he won't recieve notification of this post, but on the off chance he cruises by here... Merl?? This thread has recieved more views and more posts than any other thread you've ever started... shouldn't you reply?

I spoke to Merl yesterday. In that conversation he made it clear that he could have worded that initial post differently. I can accept that.

It's also no secret that Merl has had some very serious health issues recently. Based on what Merl shared with me yesterday, I think it's pretty understandable that getting back to BBQ on the internet shouldn't really be at the top of the priority list. That isn't to say that he's bedridden, but after everything he's had to deal with he's got a lot to catch up on to include time with his wife.

As for email notification... I wouldn't read too much into that. I have that feature turned off, since my email is pushed to my phone for work purposes. I don't need my phone melting daily:becky:

Merl said what he said, and explained what he meant yesterday and I can accept that. If Merl chooses to address this himself that's up to him. If he does, I'd just ask that folks be patient. As important as this forum, and competition BBQ may be to some of us it's still just BBQ in the grand scheme of life.
{Midnight ☼ Smoke};1447982 said:
I read the questionable post and like I stated it looked borderline but not over the line. Maybe the PM's between Jorge and LGHT were very heated, I don't know.

I glanced over a few other posts in different threads by LGHT and for the most part, conversation was civil.

I guess my only thought is, a 30 day Ban on a 1st offense, it just seems a little harsh under the circumstances. At least he did not come right out and call someone a farking dumbA$$. On a side note, maybe Jorge felt it was just going to get worse and nipped it in the bud, if so that was a good call.

Seems I may have read in the rules about this 30 day rule but was not sure it was set in stone for all offenses. Seems I remember sometime back there was another member that started something and the Ban was like 7-10 days or 48 hours I just cannot recall, maybe I was dreaming it.

I would hate to lose a possible quality member over something that might be salvageable with a slap on the wrist rather than a 30 day stint in the hole.

I believe in turning the cheek, once!

We understand your points, Terry, and we also believe in turning the cheek, sometimes more than once. In this case, the first cheek-turning was in the thread that Jorge linked to. LGHT was asked to keep things civil and he didn't. He posted another antagonistic post after Jorge's warning. This was discussed via PM and that was it.

LGHT chose to bring that up in this thread and went on to publicly challenge (and ridicule, for that matter) the moderator involved in the other thread (Jorge) as well as ALL moderators. Another warning was posted (second cheek-turning). After that he ignored the moderator warning and posted again, and in that post made a personal attack on at least one member AND once again publicly challenge the moderator. That's at least three, maybe four distinct rules violations in this thread alone. It was the combination of all of those that led to the temporary ban.

As you mentioned, all of the other threads that he was involved in were civil and had some good discussion. I hope that once the ban period is over he will decide to come back and contribute to the forum, but this time stay within our rules. None of the moderators or admins enjoy having to take action against any member. We think of you as our extended family. When an action is taken, even if it is issuing a cautionary post, it is preceded by much discussion and is done at the agreement of the majority of the mods and admins available at the time. We don't take this lightly.

I hope that all of you remember that everyone involved in running this forum, and keeping it a fun place to be, are volunteers. This includes the moderators, the admins and Badger, our back office technical guru. None of us get paid a cent for doing this. We do it because we love BBQ and the Brethren and want to make this a place where you want to be. Sometimes this comes with a price, but we all hope that those incidents are rare.

Please realize that our jobs also come with a price for us. We are taking time away from our families and sometimes even BBQ (!) for this. Unfortunately, we are also the subject of some pretty rude behavior. I have been called a bigot, a nazi and some other names that I won't type because I was involved in moderating posts that violate our rules, even though those rules are clearly stated for every one to see. I'm not complaining, but a lot of this happens behind the scenes and very few get to see the glamorous side of being a forum moderator or admin :-D
Thanks Jorge!

Ronelle, first thing I thought when I met ya' was "dang... That guy must be a nazi!!" :laugh:

I think its the intense hardcore look you've got goin' on... :rolleyes:
I've talked with Merl and I understand what point he was trying to make. as well. Does he need to come here? Personally, I don't think he needs to explain himself. The entire forum doesn't need to explain all of their posts and I sure wouldn't want that to happen. I believe in his initial post he asked for folks OPINION. It since spiraled out of control and now it's Obama's fault. It was rumored to be GWB's fault and also Clinton's but the spin control came in, like Wag the Dog and squashed that immediately... :becky:

This blew up way more than it needed to be in my OPINION. But I can't explain some folks actions. I know my actions are hard enough for the Mods to keep under control... :boxing:

Jorge, I am glad you had a chance to hear from Merl. Did your ear hurt after talkng with him too long? Merl likes to talk... :heh: As for his health, he repped a contest last weekend in Tucson. He is still moving slow and he is under strict doctors orders.

***I am not really serious with all of this post. I hope that some can figure out the facts from the fun.

But I do want to thank Jorge for reaching out to Merl to get his side. Probably why I like this forum so much. That kind of personal touch does not happen on other forums. I respect that from the Mods/Admins and from Poobah.

I spoke to Merl yesterday. In that conversation he made it clear that he could have worded that initial post differently. I can accept that.

It's also no secret that Merl has had some very serious health issues recently. Based on what Merl shared with me yesterday, I think it's pretty understandable that getting back to BBQ on the internet shouldn't really be at the top of the priority list. That isn't to say that he's bedridden, but after everything he's had to deal with he's got a lot to catch up on to include time with his wife.

As for email notification... I wouldn't read too much into that. I have that feature turned off, since my email is pushed to my phone for work purposes. I don't need my phone melting daily:becky:

Merl said what he said, and explained what he meant yesterday and I can accept that. If Merl chooses to address this himself that's up to him. If he does, I'd just ask that folks be patient. As important as this forum, and competition BBQ may be to some of us it's still just BBQ in the grand scheme of life.
I've talked with Merl and I understand what point he was trying to make. as well. Does he need to come here? Personally, I don't think he needs to explain himself. The entire forum doesn't need to explain all of their posts and I sure wouldn't want that to happen. I believe in his initial post he asked for folks OPINION. It since spiraled out of control and now it's Obama's fault. It was rumored to be GWB's fault and also Clinton's but the spin control came in, like Wag the Dog and squashed that immediately... :becky:

This blew up way more than it needed to be in my OPINION. But I can't explain some folks actions. I know my actions are hard enough for the Mods to keep under control... :boxing:

Jorge, I am glad you had a chance to hear from Merl. Did your ear hurt after talkng with him too long? Merl likes to talk... :heh: As for his health, he repped a contest last weekend in Tucson. He is still moving slow and he is under strict doctors orders.

***I am not really serious with all of this post. I hope that some can figure out the facts from the fun.

But I do want to thank Jorge for reaching out to Merl to get his side. Probably why I like this forum so much. That kind of personal touch does not happen on other forums. I respect that from the Mods/Admins and from Poobah.

Well said Scottie and Jorge...well said! I have frequented many bbq forums in the short 3 years that I have taken up this craft and have found a home here...mainly because of the members and your willingness to be fair...sometimes brutal, biased, but always fair.

It's also no secret that Merl has had some very serious health issues recently. Based on what Merl shared with me yesterday, I think it's pretty understandable that getting back to BBQ on the internet shouldn't really be at the top of the priority list.

Merl said what he said, and explained what he meant yesterday and I can accept that. If Merl chooses to address this himself that's up to him. If he does, I'd just ask that folks be patient. As important as this forum, and competition BBQ may be to some of us it's still just BBQ in the grand scheme of life.

Well the original post is from 6 months ago so I think there has been a lot of patience. The post blasted this forum. Sorry but starting a brand new thread blasting mods and the forum in general and then never responding or clarifying.... ie, hit and run.... thats what a troll does. I would expect more from a KCBS board member (I think).