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Well Merl, I think you got some opinions...I have not been on here much in the last 6 months due to other responsiblities...Before I could give you an informed opinion you would have to show me some examples...Sometimes its a tuff room to work Merl!
The civil responses should be enough to tell everyone why this is such a great forum. Hands down, the most helpful, unshellfish group of brothers and sisters passionate about helping other folk. The Mods are fantastic and I hope this thread shows them how much we honestly appreciate them.. Thanks everyone. Original post is waaayy off base IMHO.
i AM living proof and my growth here is proof there is fairness in this forum. I get out of line, some mods put it bluntly, others a bit more nicely but eventually I come around because, well, love this forum like a hot underage cousin.

did I go over any lines? I seldom know these days.

No, this is malanced and fair forum. The mods are pretty even handed. Sure there are alliances.. its called friendship. BUT I DO NOT believe there is the same environment like there exist like in that suckhole forum which I will not say the name of (BBQ News).

I WOULD like some specifics though... I see none... maybe I have not been reading closely. Vinny made a good point... albeit poorly. what he means to say is probably...well, Popdaddy says "let's say you got one of those Brazilian Hookers shipped in and you just do not know how much wax and anal bleach your gonna need to get her all hairless in the right areas. You got to drop the drawers where everyone sees how big a thicket there is" So... drop her drawers and let's see how much wax we need.

I know, I know- "thanks to donnie for explaining something where we can all understand it."

Donnie, there is really no need for the wax. It's a state of mind. :heh:
Open Forum

I know its a little bit of thread drift. but it's always nice to hear when a group gets together..I have to say, some of my best friends are folks I have met here. Granted some of the KC locals, I would have met anyway... But Plowboy, Big Creek, Moo Cow and others I met via this forum first (would have likely met them anyway). I have some pretty amazing relationships that were fostered right here. I can be almost anywhere in the country and run into someone that I consider a dear friend. That is due to this place. Period. I have friends from Los Angeles to Lake Placid, and the UP to Houston... I couldnt have met those folks, and enriched the life of my family the way I have without help from this little corner of the BBQ world. So Merl,

I agree 100%. I noted earlier I had not been on as often as usual... this week I had 12 pages of threads I had not read when I logged in... over 450. The only ones that had any "heat" to them at all, were the ones over the board meeting.

I went and read the posts referred to by Jorge, and his posts are all matter of fact, statements, about how he plans to try to impact things in the BBQ sociecty he's a member of. No name calling, no personal accusations, etc. I think it is wonderful that folks can talk about such things here without risk of retribution, and censorship via overmoderation.
Thanks again to all the Mods. You do thankless work to keep this place the way it is. And thanks to the members that care enough to play by the rules. I think before anyone starts making accusations about this forum, they should look at ALL the places there are to go here... a HUGE portion of it has nothing to do with comps or KCBS. Read about the bashes, read about the new brisket temps, read about folks tribulations with vending... go vote for a Big Mista Vendy award.... I could fill 10 pages with all of the OTHER stuff going on here that has nothing to do with KCBS or Comps. Love this place. thanks.

I concur with Andy especially on the first paragraph I have made friends through this site that I would not have made. Friends that through this forum and nothing but this forum showed up at my first comp and checked in on me when I was cooking by myself (Kim and Jana). I would say the best friends I have came from BBQ and this site. I don't know if I could have made it through the last few months without them. Guys and Gals that have helped in more ways than just cooking. Great people ready to help in any way posible at the drop of a hat. I have had an offer from one guy (see above quote) to let me borrow his truck when mine broke down and I didn't know if I could get to a contest.

The point I am trying to make is just with these friends arguments will happen and disagreements will continue. But I am a person that would rather argue my point with a buddy than sit around and think I am right! The diversity of opinion is what makes life interesting. Passion can be a good thing and bad thing but without it....there's nothing...

As for the MOD's great job and a great group of people.

Open forum...Open Learning...
Oh man I cant believe we lost heavy metal icon Ronnie James Dio. I would say may he rest in peace, i doubt that's what he would want!!

The world is full of Kings and Queens who'll blind your eyes and steal your dreams its Heaven and Hell, Ronnie James Dio circa 1980.
Thanks Donnie for explaining something where I can understand it. I'm not sure I want to really visualize it, but at least I understand it.
Sure there are things I don't like here, but for every one thing I don't like there are 10 things I do! If you want to know why the Brethren is diffrent than any other fourm find yourself a Brethren bash and go to it. You instantly find yourself belonging to another family who's interests are the same as yours. You might even run into several of those lousy MODS there and realize they are just like you and just doing the best they can. Do we really think they enjoy having to Mod someone, my guess it they would rather not do it! Are they right all of the time, NO but who is? I have no problem with the way they moderate and I appreciate it. Thanks Guys!! I love cooking BBQ at contest but the first thing I want to do when I get there is to look up all of the Brethren and see whats going on and ask how their trip in was. I am a proud member and get pissy when someone says something bad about the brethren. I don't think we should be to hard on Merl, he is welcome to share his own opinion. Everyone may not agree but if you listen to a podcast of the KCBS you will see that Merl puts his hart into it and try's to do a good job. He was very helpful in getting us the ability to listen to the meetings and I think him for posting the agenda and minuets here every month. We may not like the question he asked but we don't like the same UDS question that is asked for the 100th time either. Sometimes we just need to relax and consider that some people are just not as die-hard as we are and don't get what we get out of the Brethren. I love this place and it will take a lot to run me off!
Seems a few have let this competition world goto their heads. Ive gotten a lot out of this forum, became a member of this forum with a donation and support a few popular forum brethren with their competitions and products by purchasing from them. However, it doesnt give someone any right to slam this forum because they dont like how the KCBS info is coming about. Perhaps, those who no longer feel this forum offers them anything, just need to pack it and move along.

Hell, if you think you can do a better job, ill give you a vbulletin license and set it up for you. Ill laugh at you while you waller in failure. Believe me, if you think running a forum is turn key, you got another thing coming. I own 5 and its more work then you will ever imagine. 2 key ingredients are needed for a successful forum:

1) An administrator who cares and does not censor.
2) Members who support the direction in which the admin runs the forum. A member who feels THEY are apart of the forum and fill the forum with content.

If it was you on my forum chopping it down, you would of been moved to a useless usergroup called "banned" and let you figure out the rest from there. This whole competition forum seems to be filled with bs minute drama. My advice to you is, GET A LIFE and RETIRE if it really bothers you. Dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out because you are just draggin the new members down. Its making members like me who are about to compete in KCBS double thinking their move and membership Merl.
Love the forum. It allows us to speak our minds. To a point of being uncivil and the mods move in to difuse the situation. My hat is off to them all for keeping civility and freedom of speech on this forum. Merl is allowed his opinion. We all have them. We might disagree but that is shat makes this place special.

I will say that Jorge is mean though . ..... ;) I'll pay for that one. I'll hide behind Todd....
Love the forum. It allows us to speak our minds. To a point of being uncivil and the mods move in to difuse the situation. My hat is off to them all for keeping civility and freedom of speech on this forum. Merl is allowed his opinion. We all have them. We might disagree but that is shat makes this place special.

I will say that Jorge is mean though . ..... ;) I'll pay for that one. I'll hide behind Todd....
He may be mean, but hes a cool mean though.

One of those ole cool mean guys.

Ut oh, I might be in the penalty box for that one!
I own 5 and its more work then you will ever imagine. 2 key ingredients are needed for a successful forum:

1) An administrator who cares and does not censor.
2) Members who support the direction in which the admin runs the forum. A member who feels THEY are apart of the forum and fill the forum with content.
If it was you on my forum chopping it down, you would of been moved to a useless usergroup called "banned" and let you figure out the rest from there.

....interesting. :confused:
It's a shame we have to defend a place we love so much...

It's always felt like family to me.
And we are family (and I'll always defend your honor!). I think that is what hurts.

Merl, you and I had a great opportunity to talk in Philly. I must say that I am now sorely disappointed in this thread. When we talked, you wanted to know how things should be on the BOD, what could make it better for the membership. I really thought you were listening to me and took my feelings and suggestions into account. Now I'm afraid it was all just politics.

To come here and blast people for expressing those same opinions that you asked me for just plain hurts. Do you really believe what you've written below?

I am just asking your opinion.

Is this forum going the way of other forums?

From my perspective, more and more post could be a try out for the Jerry Springer show. Members blasting mods. Mods blasting members.

Do we need mods to a moderator for the mods?

Is this what this should be about. Is this really about bbq information or another online enquirer.

I see this as a sad turn for a great forum.

Just my thoughts.
To compare us to some fourth rate rag or third rate TV show after what I heard on the Pod cast and what you wrote in May 12, 2010 KCBS Bod agenda posted is nothing less than deception and mud slinging. To be honest I've seen the show and now listened to the the BoD and I'm not sure which one is worse, at least we know what Springers motivation is.

I was afforded the wonderful occasion to spend close to 12 hours with my best friend and fellow BBQ'r this weekend. Much of that time was spent discussing the issues we had with KCBS and the BoD. There were times that we agreed and times we didn't, but at no time did either of us show anything but respect to each other. I'm sorry you could do the same for the Brethren.
Politics need to get out of BBQ. The start of this thread is a direct cheap shot from the thread BOD agenda where Candy and Merl had it out and people spoke their minds. I am as defensive as the next guy, but to feel cornered and come out and try and put down a forum and a bunch of people who volunteer their time to make this a great place is as pathetic as the fight in the other thread. Looks like you didn't get the support you expected. I would say this is a good time to back peddle or move on!
I am just asking your opinion.

Is this forum going the way of other forums?

From my perspective, more and more post could be a try out for the Jerry Springer show. Members blasting mods. Mods blasting members.

Do we need mods to a moderator for the mods?

Is this what this should be about. Is this really about bbq information or another online enquirer.

I see this as a sad turn for a great forum.

Just my thoughts.

There are other bbq forums? :confused: