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It is his decision. But it is certainly bad manners to drop a fairly nasty post and then not have the courtesy to address any of the responses to your question. Thats what a troll does. A true member of this forum stands behind his or her posts.

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The secret of a good forum is a good moderator -- one with guts enough to keep the flamers and trolls off. Disagreements are going to happen and aren't a problem so long as they are just that and not snide, mean-spirited rants.

I post on several BBQ related forums and this is a good one. I no longer post on another well-known forum because it is frequented by uncontrolled mental patients who seem to be in some kind of contest to see who can be the biggest jerk when responding to even the most innocent comment. Let's barbeque and leave the nasty stuff to our political candidates :puke:
I am just asking your opinion.

Is this forum going the way of other forums?

From my perspective, more and more post could be a try out for the Jerry Springer show. Members blasting mods. Mods blasting members.

Do we need mods to a moderator for the mods?

Is this what this should be about. Is this really about bbq information or another online enquirer.

I see this as a sad turn for a great forum.

Just my thoughts.

I think you have noticed the same thing I have. The problem is most people don't understand how to debate instead of argue. I mean if a person asks an opinion and you have a negative response that is opposite of everyone that has a positive one that doesn't make your negative response invalid or wrong it just means you have a difference of opinion.

It's the attack the odd man out post that are the problem and are often replies from ignorant member who can't seem to understand that everyone is entitled to an opinion positive or negative. Instead of debating that opinion they try and reply with insults and demeaning comments. This is often found from people who have yet learned how to respond with an educated rebuttal. The "mods" notice these negative responses and instead of encouraging the members stay on track and debate without using insults she just replies with some silly rhetoric and tells everyone involved to stop. Clearly she needs to read the meaning of the term "Moderator" and learn how to actually moderate post instead of using said power to simply delete post and tell everyone to just stop posting at all.
I think you have noticed the same thing I have. The problem is most people don't understand how to debate instead of argue. I mean if a person asks an opinion and you have a negative response that is opposite of everyone that has a positive one that doesn't make your negative response invalid or wrong it just means you have a difference of opinion.

It's the attack the odd man out post that are the problem and are often replies from ignorant member who can't seem to understand that everyone is entitled to an opinion positive or negative. Instead of debating that opinion they try and reply with insults and demeaning comments. This is often found from people who have yet learned how to respond with an educated rebuttal. The "mods" notice these negative responses and instead of encouraging the members stay on track and debate without using insults she just replies with some silly rhetoric and tells everyone involved to stop. Clearly she needs to read the meaning of the term "Moderator" and learn how to actually moderate post instead of using said power to simply delete post and tell everyone to just stop posting at all.

Clearly, you need to go back and refer to the forum rules:becky: That advice is sincere, and friendly:becky:
I think you have noticed the same thing I have. The problem is most people don't understand how to debate instead of argue. I mean if a person asks an opinion and you have a negative response that is opposite of everyone that has a positive one that doesn't make your negative response invalid or wrong it just means you have a difference of opinion.

It's the attack the odd man out post that are the problem and are often replies from ignorant member who can't seem to understand that everyone is entitled to an opinion positive or negative. Instead of debating that opinion they try and reply with insults and demeaning comments. This is often found from people who have yet learned how to respond with an educated rebuttal. The "mods" notice these negative responses and instead of encouraging the members stay on track and debate without using insults she just replies with some silly rhetoric and tells everyone involved to stop. Clearly she needs to read the meaning of the term "Moderator" and learn how to actually moderate post instead of using said power to simply delete post and tell everyone to just stop posting at all.

WOW, nothing like coming in late.....Merl is that you in Disguise????:laugh:
hahah no this is not Merl, just another victim that had his post deleted because he had an opinion. I'm sure Merl tried to reply, but his post like some of mine seemed to just magically disappear.
hahah no this is not Merl, just another victim that had his post deleted because he had an opinion. I'm sure Merl tried to reply, but his post like some of mine seemed to just magically disappear.

Dear Mr LGHT,

Thank you for your insightful and thought provoking opinion of our BBQ Home. After only a few weeks and 78 posts you seem to have formed an opinion of us that is contrary to the facts.

Our Moderators are first rate, I can assure you if you had a post deleted it had far more to do with the delivery of said message than the content of it. If opinions were grounds for deleting posts then I would less than half the number of posts I have.

May I, politely, suggest you follow Jorge's advice and re-read (or read for the first time) our Forum rules. What makes this the wonderful internet place that it is, is our moderators. Good natured poking at them is a good thing, however, you've probably gotten pretty close to the line where it could be considered wrong.

Again, thank you for you opinion.
If anyone around here upsets people with their thoughts, it's folks like BBQ Grail, and even myself. My posts have never been deleted except for cases where I thoughtlessly broke the rules. Other than that, they let all my opinions sit out there for all to see, for all time. That's the way it should be. If you want anybody on these boards to believe your post was moderated for you expressing an opinion, you are clearly, simply being dishonest.
If anyone around here upsets people with their thoughts, it's folks like BBQ Grail, and even myself. My posts have never been deleted except for cases where I thoughtlessly broke the rules. Other than that, they let all my opinions sit out there for all to see, for all time. That's the way it should be. If you want anybody on these boards to believe your post was moderated for you expressing an opinion, you are clearly, simply being dishonest.

I upset people? Really? If I didn't know better I'd swear you are calling me captious.
Mod Note: The rules apply to everyone. While the Mod team always appreciates public support when we are questioned publicly, the rules always apply. The support and understanding from members is appreciated, but the situation is being addressed by the Mod team. Nothing to see here.

Translation.... no need for a dogpile.
Dear Mr LGHT,

Thank you for your insightful and thought provoking opinion of our BBQ Home. After only a few weeks and 78 posts you seem to have formed an opinion of us that is contrary to the facts.
Contrary to YOUR opinion as you need to understand you don't speak for everyone regardless of what your ego my be telling you. I'm obviously not the only one who has been a victim of attacks and censorship that's why this topic exist.

Our Moderators are first rate, I can assure you if you had a post deleted it had far more to do with the delivery of said message than the content of it. If opinions were grounds for deleting posts then I would less than half the number of posts I have.
Again the moderators being first rate is simply your opinion and not mine. As you have stated we are all allowed to have an opinion and if that's the case why are you so focused in changing mine instead of simply accepting it? Since you have no clue what the post said how can you be so certain about the deliver or content of the post? That's the beauty of censorship it's a quick and easy way to simply avoid the truth.

May I, politely, suggest you follow Jorge's advice and re-read (or read for the first time) our Forum rules. What makes this the wonderful internet place that it is, is our moderators. Good natured poking at them is a good thing, however, you've probably gotten pretty close to the line where it could be considered wrong. Again, thank you for you opinion.
Who are you to make suggestions at all? It seems that you have let that enormous ego out again and are under the impression that your suggestion as polite as they may be mean anything to me. If I am getting close to the line that line hasn't been drawn by you so you will have no say in keeping me behind it. Your welcome for my opinion and feel free to thank me more often It's glad to be appreciated :)
I like it here. I also understand that there has never been a person whose post got deleted on a forum that agreed with the decision...first amendment, blah,blah, blah.
I have observed that people with the most aggressive manner also have the thinnest skin.
I would respectfully ask the people who seem less than pleased to understand just how hard a board this size is to run...
I also understand that if you post a question or topic regarding a particular smoker you will get 33 people telling you that uds is the only way to go....except for the 10 that say wsm's. It's all good and fun. remember we call this a sport....What a funny lookin bunch of atheletes.

Whens the next comp? Ours is in Buckeye!
Mod Note: Since this began in public I'll offer a brief explanation.

LGHT took exception to being moderated here: . The post has been restored by me so that everyone can draw their own conclusion. I issued a warning to everyone in that thread that things needed to remain civil. Following that warning LGHT chose to get one last shot in at someone else involved in the debate. I deleted the post and told him why via PM. The rest of the exchange will remain private, since they are called Private Messages for a reason.

I'm fine with someone trying to get under my skin by addressing me as 'she', personally. I've had a lot worse said to, and about me in person to get a reaction. What I can't accept, and the moderators as a group can't tolerate is the clear violation of the rules.

As a result, LGHT has a 30 day ban. He can still read those forums that are open to the public if he chooses but can't participate. If he chooses to return to the forum at the end of that period he's more than welcome, as long as he can participate within the forum rules that apply to EVERYONE.

The final thing that I want to make clear, is that Merl has not been moderated since this thread began. He has not been banned. Merl is still a member in good standing and is welcome to share his opinion just as any other member is.

Unless there is something that I'm not aware of, this issue is resolved. If there is anything else that needs to be addressed please feel free to contact me or another moderator.
May I recommend a pad lock? This thread has seen its day.

If members act responsibly, and stay within the forum rules, I see no reason for it. If forum rules are broken, the Mod team will deal with it just as we do any other thread.