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Thanks for all the comments...I have brined before, but didn't really think it added anything so I didn't try it again...

Maybe I'll experiment with some recipes...Thanks again!

Dissolve your flavors by bringing your brining solution to a boil in a stock pot and let it cool and rest for at least as long as you plan on brining.


course... lilly don't brine! LOL
I've had the pleasure of cooking with Nancee and Greg of Purple Turtles and helping them win the New England BBQ Society Team of the Year for Chicken... with firsts at Sayville, LI and Lake Placid,NY...

Nancee and Greg are my mentors and they know Chicken and how!

Yours in BBQ,

Kansas City, Go buy some Chick Fil A original sandwiches eat them and PM me when your stuffed.
I've had the pleasure of cooking with Nancee and Greg of Purple Turtles and helping them win the New England BBQ Society Team of the Year for Chicken... with firsts at Sayville, LI and Lake Placid,NY...

Nancee and Greg are my mentors and they know Chicken and how!

Yours in BBQ,


Any hints, techniques or advice you would like to share?
brining is over-rated.. buy high quality chicken instead.

We try and buy the freshest high quality chicken we can far it hasn't helped us out much...The only thing super fresh chicken does for us is make the skin easy to get bite through.

Since this weekend will be the last chance we get to practice cook before our first contest, I think I'll try a couple different recipes and see what I find. Thanks for all the advice and assistance!!!
I LOVE Chicken

Think we might have it figured out!!! I guess we'll see..

Thanks for all the help!!!

I know, I know...No Pic's, didn't happen!!
Think we might have it figured out!!! I guess we'll see..

Thanks for all the help!!!

I know, I know...No Pic's, didn't happen!!

You got this Saturday to show it. Proof's in the eatin' - just save me back a thigh on Saturday morning and I'll let you know if you can beat me at Osage. :razz: