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these were trimed St louis style. my own rub, which has brown sugar, WSM at 250 for about 4.5 hours, no foil, served up naked with sauce on side. used wicked good lump charcoal with chunks of hickory.


  • al's rib pix 042 (800x600).jpg
    al's rib pix 042 (800x600).jpg
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I never trim my ribs up. What doesn't get eaten goes good in soups:


30 minutes bone side up in the UDS at 225, then flip over for 2.5 hours, maybe 3 hours tops, so their meat side up: Watch em threw the vent holes to see when they weep and hit em with apple juice each time they do. Slight glaze and rub added last 15 minutes and I get this:


Your success and mileage may vary from mine though. Experiment.....that's the only way your gonna learn, by your mistakes and success's.
Also realize everyone has different smokers so that will play a major part on how ribs, or any meat for that matter, are done. UDS cooks are gonna be quicker than say a offset. Also weather plays a BIG factor as well. Is it cold, warm or hot when you cook. Is your smoker in shade, partial shade, or in blazing sun......Oh the dilemma's we put ourselves in to make the 'perfect' 'que.
All of the above, except boiling, I'm not that good yet...

I use a toothpick to know when they are getting close to being done, should be able to poke it through the meat with little resistance when done or close to done...
thank you for your insight you guys. I think I have very those making a great rib.:thumb:anybody know how much it is for Johnny Triggs class? Every few months I go to Palm Springs anyways. Yup I like to gamble a little at the Indian casinos.:heh:
Well, if what you want is to replicate Johnny Triggs method, as previously mentioned, you need to learn from him. I appreciate and typically cook my ribs, trimmed St. Louis Style and with no foil, I do glaze, but, not with a sauce. However, if I was going to compete, or wanted to replicate a competition rib, I would foil and sauce.

I have been messing with this style over the past year for kicks and currently an doing this. I trim, rub and wrap in plastic for 1 hour. Fire cooker and get temperature to 225F. I then unwrap ribs, hit with a second layer of rub, and onto the cooker. I check at 2.5 hours, if the ribs are bending a little, into the foil, if no, then another 15 minuites to check again. I add a light dusting of a 50/50 mix of rub and dried brown sugar, or I use Simply Marvelous Cherry rub straight, add some palm syrup or honey in a light drizzle, then wrap tightlly and out on cooker at 225F. Allow to run 1 hour, remove and check, it should nearly bend to done. Put back on cooker for 30 minutes or so. Done. I will add a little sauce to the foil pack with the drippings in it, and brush this on about 15 minutes into the second non-foil cook. Nice shiny competition style ribs with a good kick of flavor, sweeter than I normally want, but, pretty and strong flavored.