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I understand fully Vinny.

Last fall, I was ready to hang it up.
Two reasons--

#1--Too much physical labor to deal with the utility trailers and all of the pack-up, set-up, and tear-down time. Wound up exhausted and still had to unpack the chit at home. Wore me out and little to show in the way of quality product.
CheKeeta fixed that problem--She has put the fun back into comps.:lol:
Quality is up because of fewer distractions and irritations.

#2--Too much "out-go" and not enough "in-go" ($$$$$$) to keep it up.
I finally had a change in disposable income and can now afford to enjoy my hobby a few more times a year.
Since quality is up, "in-go" is up a bit and that helps compete even a bit more.

And, I am blessed with 2 of the best partners a guy could ask for. Chad and Smokin Gator are tops and we have a great time at the events.
I would not give that up for the world.

Good luck in whatever you decide.


Tim and I have shot through a lot of money, fuel, etc. over the last few years. Having the comp trailer has made a world of difference in the overall "work" of competing.

I do a lot fewer contests job doesn't give me the skate time on Fridays that I used to have AND I got burned one specific thing. I don't even hang around here as much as I used to. :shock:

Tim and I used to disect every we show up, cook, turn-in, go to the results and get on with our lives.

It's still fun to go out - but if I didn't do another contest it would be "ok".:mrgreen:
I have officially retired from contest cooking. I will watch from the sidelines. Oh yeah and I will just cater and vend.
I kind of wish I hadn't started reading this thread but it had so much traffic I couldn't resist.

What a bummer! I am going into my 2nd comp and monmouth next month and can't wait. I guess its still fresh and fun as a hobby.

Is this what I have to look forward to in the coming years? I hope not!:|
I kind of wish I hadn't started reading this thread but it had so much traffic I couldn't resist.

What a bummer! I am going into my 2nd comp and monmouth next month and can't wait. I guess its still fresh and fun as a hobby.

Is this what I have to look forward to in the coming years? I hope not!:|

Yeah, that's the only problem with a thread like this... it can get those who are excited about getting started a little concerned, depressed, what have you. But to answer your question, no I really don't think so. I mean eventually, everyone probably needs a break. I would not let a thread like this dampen your spirits about competing. Go out and have a blast and ride it as long as it's good for you. The thing is, if you DO get burnt out on it, it won't bother you to give it up or scale way back. I have to admit that even with the first in chicken last weekend, it still hasn't really stoked my fire. I'm still burnt out and looking forward to a break. I'll be cooking at Warrensburg, MO in a few weeks with Lee (Sloppy) as "Sloppy Creek BBQ" and after that, I'm done til after Labor Day.

The good thing about taking a break is that it lends more time for fishing! I'm headed out this Friday to try to put the hurt on some crappie down at Truman Lake and enjoy some stress-free solitude. Now THAT, I'm looking forward to. :wink:
I kind of wish I hadn't started reading this thread but it had so much traffic I couldn't resist.

What a bummer! I am going into my 2nd comp and monmouth next month and can't wait. I guess its still fresh and fun as a hobby.

Is this what I have to look forward to in the coming years? I hope not!:|

Look back at my post on page 1. It is still fun for us. I don't know what else we'd be doing!!:-D
Jeff nailed it..

I still do it, and will continue.. but depending on other factors, burnout may come sooner, later or never. I stared feeling it last year... All it took was to surround myself with friends and concentrate more on having a good time and fun as opposed to making the perfect chicken thigh. Now I spend more time on recreational cooking, mozerella platters, bana cauda and tequila shots than chicken prep and injecting butts. I'm sure we all will eventually need a break, but I just scaled down to one a month to 5 weeks and will look forward to seeing all the folks I only get to talk to or write to all year round.
Jeff nailed it..

I. All it took was to surround myself with friends and concentrate more on having a good time and fun as opposed to making the perfect chicken thigh. Now I spend more time on recreational cooking, mozerella platters, bana cauda and tequila shots than chicken prep and injecting butts..
And your finishes are really showing it:tongue:
Yeah, that's the only problem with a thread like this... it can get those who are excited about getting started a little concerned, depressed, what have you. But to answer your question, no I really don't think so. I mean eventually, everyone probably needs a break. I would not let a thread like this dampen your spirits about competing. Go out and have a blast and ride it as long as it's good for you. The thing is, if you DO get burnt out on it, it won't bother you to give it up or scale way back. I have to admit that even with the first in chicken last weekend, it still hasn't really stoked my fire. I'm still burnt out and looking forward to a break. I'll be cooking at Warrensburg, MO in a few weeks with Lee (Sloppy) as "Sloppy Creek BBQ" and after that, I'm done til after Labor Day.

The good thing about taking a break is that it lends more time for fishing! I'm headed out this Friday to try to put the hurt on some crappie down at Truman Lake and enjoy some stress-free solitude. Now THAT, I'm looking forward to. :wink:

I might be just scaling back!! Just a little burnt out I think. need a break.
This is something we have been thinking very seriously about, especially with the fuel prices as high as they are... Pulling that trailer at $ 0.60 a mile in just diesel cost has really helped make us think about things...
I have been thinking about retiring for the past 2 years now. This may be my last year, but I may then get a pair of pink suspenders and become a professional judge.
I'm still in it full tilt! However we do stay close to home with fuel prices like they are. Buying a comp trailer also helped take some of the work out of the comps.
I never thought about actually becoming a Judge, until yesterday.

Sit down, look at box, take a piece, take a bite, write down 5. Easy, peasy.
I never thought about actually becoming a Judge, until yesterday.

Sit down, look at box, take a piece, take a bite, write down 5. Easy, peasy.
I judges a few times. WOuld much rather cook. I did not like the fact that I had to ignore friend as I walked through. The after the judging everybody is just exhausted and wanting to get the hell home.
I sure hope all you guys retire.... I'm at 1000 degrees and just getting warm... Maybe with only half the field left, I might stand a chance at a walk! :biggrin:
I have very mixed feelings about hearing warrior teams say they'll consider retiring. On the one hand, it would be reassuring to have an influx of judges who know intimately how a piece of meat got to the table.

But having excellent teams in the field is what makes everyone better. We have to work a lot harder to achieve competence in an experienced field. Hell, taking potshots at Jaybird makes it a lot more fun, too.