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Jamie agreed to put me on his waiting list about 18 months ago and it didn't look like I'd ever get one made. I think the trick to the whole thing was that I gave up on it and ordered a backwoods Fatboy. One week after it arrived, Jamie announce he was coming out of retirement and wanted to know if I was still interested. I was totally shocked when he asked me what size and color I wanted. I never thought we had a choice. I had always heard that Jamie builds what he likes and you better like it, kind of like the Soup Nazi on Seinfeld.

Jamie told me that he is going back into the business full time and has now orders for eight of the large pits with the grill on back. I had moved up to #3 in the meantime and the pit should be ready by the end of September. I sent my check in Tuesday so I'm now officially on the build list. Here is a picture of Rod Gray's pit. Mine will look very similar to Rod's:

Thanks for all the sharing of thoughts and comments so far. It's very interesting to see the similarities and differences in our views. There's no right or wrong answer as it's such an individual decision. For those who have the benefit of entire family involvement and support to do it very frequently, that is surely a plus. Those who thrive on victory certainly have an outlet to perform at contests.

I don't think burn out is the reason for my increasing disinterest. My schedule was never big enough like some teams to say it was overly consuming. Hell, it's was seven months between the past two contests. Cooking solo at Dover contest last year put things into a new light. Although that was an exception that I knew I would never allow to happen again it still made me question all the energy/time/cash that I was expending. The rewards of placing well no longer seemed important enough to justify doing the same thing on a repetitive basis. Cooking methods for the judges had become a bit boring. Usually I don't even taste my entries as it's not what I'd cook at home or like for myself if I was judging. It's just getting done to get a good score.

Since I began competing, my outdoor cooks at home trying something new etc. have dropped like a rock except for quick gas grilling for dinner on weekdays and an occasional long smoke typically when asked to make something for someone else. Almost more than anything the competition aspect becomes a topic of conversation that others seem to get a kick out of asking about. Somehow, a backyard cook who makes killer stuff is less interesting.

Same here (except the gas part). I seem to spend all my time trying to tweak things for competition at the expense of cooking for our own personal taste.

We have been in competative BBQ for 17 years. We will still cook a few nearby contest, but the schedule will be 2 or 3 a year. We love the people which is what it is about. But cost force us to make decissions about our recreational dollars. Plus, I love to cook for our customers, friends, and family more than so-called judges. It has become hard to cook the stuff that wins instead of good BBQ. I guess i'm not retired, but at least semi-retired.

I visited with Rota Brown for a long time last weekend at Memphis. I understand he was/is a member of your team. Nice guy.

After our 3rd contest (2 KCBS this year and 1 IBCA last year) I really feel like I'm just getting the feel of things. Like everyone else I'm way behind on my yardwork and other honey-do's and the expense is kicking me in the arse, but I still want to play:biggrin: I just wish the farking diesel prices would ease up a little.
With us it's not the money. God has blessed me with a job that allows me to afford competitive BBQ. We compete as a family. I am personally running out of time with more and more work and travel responsibilities and BBQ contests. We bit of much more than we could chew this year and I barely have time to breathe this summer.
This is a thread that I need to read front to back when I get a second. I'm tired, too, but I also see something really cool happening for our past time. Why the pitty party guys??
With us it's not the money. God has blessed me with a job that allows me to afford competitive BBQ. We compete as a family. I am personally running out of time with more and more work and travel responsibilities and BBQ contests. We bit of much more than we could chew this year and I barely have time to breathe this summer.

Call me, Guy. This is crazy that everyone who built up and supported bbq in the region is feeling blah. Find my cell number, send me a pm, whatever...You all have got to roll on.
i'm thinking of retiring and i haven't even done my first comp yet :-?
I have committed to one contest in July, and one in August, then the Royal and Battle of the Brethren(or the Jack) in October...

Im doing demos during the summer at a local Library, and something for Newsday, and helping the boyscouts at a few fund raisers.

More importantly, I have signed up with these guys..

click on the link on the left(Airpower Museum), and it it brings you here. Notice the logo midway down on the right.?? Thats us. I will be there this Saturday serving BBQ to whoever wants it and it benefits our soldiers in Iraq. We have run into some problems with the airport management shutting down the cooker, but we will figure something out.

I love to cook.. I love to feed people, and the contest scene is a small piece of BBQ. But IMO, I don't find the 6 pieces in the 9x9 given to a faceless judge, as fulfilling as serving the public and talking up our craft and watching the amazement and interest as the uninitiated bite into REAL BBQ for the first time. Those are the folks we have to convince. The judges already know. Its those that think BBQ is burgers and dogs and boiling ribs who need the education and the awakening. Feeding the judges are just a hobby... that gives us the bragging right to say we are competition chefs and produce award winning BBQ..

smokeandbeer said:
I can tell you that being part of the Pretty Good Barbecue at our local church was one of the most fantastic events I have ever been a part of, for many reasons I won't bore you with. As well, my whole family was involved, we had Brethren from all over there, and we all had a great time, without the hassle of competition. We did have a mini-comp, but it was more for fun than anything else.

that quote from smokeandbeer says it all.. There are ways we can use our skills and craft aside from contests that may be more fulfilling and enjoyable, and I think i'm leaning more towards this type of stuff this year. I would much prefer to cook to benefit our troops than to feed the 6 judges. But im still gonna do both... hopefully doing some mentoring next year to get new teams started up.
I'm going on 10 years cooking comps now....Think the only way I would get out or retire is for health reasons..I cook 10-15 cookoffs a year

I just enjoy it that much, I love meeting new folks, enjoy the many good friends Ive made over the being able to help the new teams just starting out...

When it comes to competing, I love the feeling when my number or team name is called at the awards...if it don't get called, no problem..Ive had a great weekend win or lose...

Have learned to keep it as simple as posable...Im lucky to have so many local contest without having to drive much....

But if I had the money, Id be on the road half the year hitting the big events and meeting more great BBQ people..:biggrin:
This is a thread that I need to read front to back when I get a second. I'm tired, too, but I also see something really cool happening for our past time. Why the pitty party guys??

Call me, Guy. This is crazy that everyone who built up and supported bbq in the region is feeling blah. Find my cell number, send me a pm, whatever...You all have got to roll on.
Pffft this coming from an ash-hole who bails on a KCBS contest last weekend in order to do a 1 day grilling event.:rolleyes::tongue:
I have committed to one contest in July, and one in August, then the Royal and Battle of the Brethren(or the Jack) in October...

Im doing demos during the summer at a local Library, and something for Newsday, and helping the boyscouts at a few fund raisers.

More importantly, I have signed up with these guys..

click on the link on the left(Airpower Museum), and it it brings you here. Notice the logo midway down on the right.?? Thats us. I will be there this Saturday serving BBQ to whoever wants it and it benefits our soldiers in Iraq. We have run into some problems with the airport management shutting down the cooker, but we will figure something out.

I love to cook.. I love to feed people, and the contest scene is a small piece of BBQ. But IMO, I don't find the 6 pieces in the 9x9 given to a faceless judge, as fulfilling as serving the public and talking up our craft and watching the amazement and interest as the uninitiated bite into REAL BBQ for the first time. Those are the folks we have to convince. The judges already know. Its those that think BBQ is burgers and dogs and boiling ribs who need the education and the awakening. Feeding the judges are just a hobby... that gives us the bragging right to say we are competition chefs and produce award winning BBQ..

that quote from smokeandbeer says it all.. There are ways we can use our skills and craft aside from contests that may be more fulfilling and enjoyable, and I think i'm leaning more towards this type of stuff this year. I would much prefer to cook to benefit our troops than to feed the 6 judges. But im still gonna do both... hopefully doing some mentoring next year to get new teams started up.

You Bet We cook for the Wifes School and they make us feel like big time GCs
Pffft this coming from an ash-hole who bails on a KCBS contest last weekend in order to do a 1 day grilling event.:rolleyes::tongue:

Still got to turn in four boxes, still got to set up and break down all of the cr#p, for a one day grilling contest.
Of course its fun getting together for a bash or just a backyard session.... but something about midnight at a contest.... or that 6am flurry of activity. Cooking in torrential rain with 30 other certifiable nuts, you just dont get that at anything but a comp.

In addition, I would say some of my best friends, and a few folks that have made a HUGE impact on my life, not just my BBQ - have come from the world of competitive BBQ. Some of my girls best friends... and wonderful families...

Would I rather spend that money on a boat at the lake.... or a country club membership.... not on your life. Would I rather the girls be at home playing a Wii or on a soccer field watching parents berate thier kids, and argue like kids themselves... heck no. Competitive BBQ also brought me here...and I have made some pretty amazing connections here as well. I can't see competition not as part of my life. Even if I pare it back considerably, I guess after a while there isnt any "hoopla" anymore, it is more like a family. You set up group dinners, breakfasts, on weekends you arent competing you are calling folks to see how weekends are going etc... or maybe drinkin a cold beverage with them at someones home. It just becomes part of your weekends/life. Kinda like a guy that owns a lake home and a boat... you have lake friends that you see every weekend, cookout with, etc... and eventually the "hoopla" of the lake wears off, and it is just families enjoying time on the water as part of thier lives. Don't know if I am making sense or not Vinny, but you know I'd love to sit out on the patio and discuss it.... or maybe we just have a late night Amer. Royal discussion on it. I'll tap a fresh keg. ;o)
Besides, where else except at a comp. could you snap a photo of a brother in a wig singing; "I'm so pretty"...???:eek::mrgreen:
I love to cook.. I love to feed people, and the contest scene is a small piece of BBQ. But IMO, I don't find the 6 pieces in the 9x9 given to a faceless judge, as fulfilling as serving the public and talking up our craft and watching the amazement and interest as the uninitiated bite into REAL BBQ for the first time. Those are the folks we have to convince. The judges already know. Its those that think BBQ is burgers and dogs and boiling ribs who need the education and the awakening. Feeding the judges are just a hobby... that gives us the bragging right to say we are competition chefs and produce award winning BBQ..

That is part of the reason that we add the sampling to almost all of our events in California. It gives us an opportunity to interact with the crowd and let them taste some award winning barbecue. We get to see their faces light up and feel the pride when they tell us it's the best they ever had..

Also it is always nice to leave with $200-$300 bucks from selling you contest leftovers. Even if you don't walk, you get your contest fee and/or your gas covered and the crowd isn't just standing around watching you cook.
That is part of the reason that we add the sampling to almost all of our events in California. It gives us an opportunity to interact with the crowd and let them taste some award winning barbecue. We get to see their faces light up and feel the pride when they tell us it's the best they ever had..

Also it is always nice to leave with $200-$300 bucks from selling you contest leftovers. Even if you don't walk, you get your contest fee and/or your gas covered and the crowd isn't just standing around watching you cook.
Isues with health departments, organizers who vend etc keep that from happening here. I think it also why we wait so long to do awards on Sunday afternoon, trying to squeeze out a few more nickels. I see a lot of teams giving out food to the public after turn in and it is wrong. . It is basically taking away profit from the vendors .If i were vending i would be pissed. People who come sample stuff will tell that it is the bet they have ever had blah blah blah yea better than the vendors of course it is when it is free...
Its all about friends, family, and nice people. This is only my second year on our own but have been with Lost Nation Smoke Company for a few years before that. Our team is about bringing family and friends together. Top that with all the nice people on the circuit and there is no reason not to smile all weekend. BBQ people are the nicest group of people I have ever met. Yes we all get testy around turn in time, and the drive home can be bear sometimes, but its about having fun at the competetions.

Its not about winning and losing, although walking to the stage is a great feeling, its about getting outside on a weekend and doing what you like to do. Some people spend just as much money playing golf and go out and hack it up, but they have fun doing it.

I have asked myself "why do i do this" but have always thought about the positives and try not to dwell on the negatives. I guess someday I may get burnt out, but hopefully that day is no time soon.
Its all about friends, family, and nice people. This is only my second year on our own but have been with Lost Nation Smoke Company for a few years before that. Our team is about bringing family and friends together. Top that with all the nice people on the circuit and there is no reason not to smile all weekend. BBQ people are the nicest group of people I have ever met. Yes we all get testy around turn in time, and the drive home can be bear sometimes, but its about having fun at the competetions.

Its not about winning and losing, although walking to the stage is a great feeling, its about getting outside on a weekend and doing what you like to do. Some people spend just as much money playing golf and go out and hack it up, but they have fun doing it.

I have asked myself "why do i do this" but have always thought about the positives and try not to dwell on the negatives. I guess someday I may get burnt out, but hopefully that day is no time soon.

So, so correct, Steve.
Isues with health departments, organizers who vend etc keep that from happening here. I think it also why we wait so long to do awards on Sunday afternoon, trying to squeeze out a few more nickels. I see a lot of teams giving out food to the public after turn in and it is wrong. . It is basically taking away profit from the vendors .If i were vending i would be pissed. People who come sample stuff will tell that it is the bet they have ever had blah blah blah yea better than the vendors of course it is when it is free...

It is difficult to start these But not impossible
We have done many of them under many different Health Depts
It is a matter of not taking no for an answer
At Stagecoach we did right at $40,000 in PC money
I notice from almost everyone's posts that "friends" is the largest part of why we do this. For me that is one of the biggest factors in why I compete. This year I am only doing 4 total. I did 11 before that until my accident. I would like to do more but my recovery put me back so much that I am now playing catch up. The rise in the cost of everything does kinda have me thinking maybe I oughtta sit back and just cook here at the house and continue to do my few caterings and the fund raisers. Time will tell.
I notice from almost everyone's posts that "friends" is the largest part of why we do this. For me that is one of the biggest factors in why I compete. This year I am only doing 4 total. I did 11 before that until my accident. I would like to do more but my recovery put me back so much that I am now playing catch up. The rise in the cost of everything does kinda have me thinking maybe I oughtta sit back and just cook here at the house and continue to do my few caterings and the fund raisers. Time will tell.

Like Jim has said, my bypass operation and being off work, has set me back financially so I can only hope to do one contest this year. Adding my company has decided to move and close down soon, makes me even more aware of my financial responsibilities. And the cost of everything going up and up has made it hard to justify the expense of doing contest.

But I'll be damned if all I am going to do is eat, sleep and work. Contest are the only vice I have left and I will stay involved even if its just judging.