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May not need to cook this weekend as my young 'un is making lasagna this evening - pasta Phrom scratch and all that. :whoo: But there are some beePh cheeks in the Phreezer and some butt steaks as well that might get cooked if we arent to stuPhed Phrom the lasagna.

Happy Phriday and weekend to Phu and crew and all y'all Pharkers!
I might try grilling some back ribs this weekend. Had a large order of Duroc St Louis ribs come in yesterday and I have a order from SRF coming in tomorrow. Finally got a freezer and I'm trying my best to fill it up!
I have absolutely NO idea... may need to do some phreezer digging and see what's in there, or phigure out if there are any good meat deals at the local stores or meat markets.

Should have a 1/2 Beef back from the processors by the end of the month, so that will open up my stock phor weekend cooks again.
Paging Dr Phu and all you overzealous smoke breathing ember heads!!!! How y’all doern ?? We’re in our normal Hadean outdoor temps so takes a lot of fun out of it. Even so I saw some interesting beef ribs in costco......hand me a drink, think I’ll cook....!!! Peace dudes and dudette!!!
Just did a pork chop, marinated in soy, chili, turmeric, galangal (actually kencur, but thats probably unknown) and garlic.
1 chop was enough for me and my 2 boys (2 jack rascal's) ;)
Ate it very healthily with some bread and olives :)
Tomorrow, I won't be home, so we'll see what the day brings.
Sunday may just have to be a potjie, or piri piri chicken
Can't make smoke signals this weekend so it's a Crock Pot extravaganza. Tonight it's extra chunky buffalo chicken in the mini crock and tomorrow a 5lb chuck roast in the big crock for stought beef and onions. Have a great weekend everyone.
So the Mrs. approved pork butt for Sunday/Monday.

Going to wake up 5-6AM Sunday morning, rare up the Keg, get the temp stable at 175ish for a 3-4 hours for my bacon attempt, get the temp up to 250 for pork butt.

1st attempt at injecting a pork butt (Butcher pork injection going in tommorow night).
Brunch around 11 AM (outdoors, masked, beers). Get home and foil. Will do a hoisin glaze to finish the bark an hour before serving.
It's supposed to be "cool" here tomorrow, only up to 91 or so. Time for a Saturday Porkfest!

Putting on a 10# Boston Butt early tomorrow, then around 9 will toss in some Whatburger sausage chubs seasoned with SPOG. That means at 10 it is sausage/cheese/biscuit time. Pulled pork for dinner along with a few rings of sausge for good measure.

I will have exceeded my RDA for sodium by bedtime.