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I’d bet a lot of Brethren have their momma’s recipes on cards or perhaps like mine typed them out in a booklet folder, and I bet a lot of the recipes are similar

funny you say that.... my mamma had recipes on cards as you mentioned.... she left that treasure to me in her will.... she knew my passion for cooking... also as you and Jen prolly can relate she had cards of how many vegetables she had canned :cool:
Good thread Paul!

All of it. The process, the feedback, serving of others....

Do I like old favorites, hell yes. Do I love bbq, yep.

To me. It is easier to find good Chinese, American, Italian, etc than it is to find really good BBQ.

that's a fact about BBQ... I have customers come in all the time and make the mistake of going to dreamland.... it's awful......if I can I will take them to a place on the river that has some really good vittles.. catfish...hushpuppies and stuff like that.....
I’d bet a lot of Brethren have their momma’s recipes on cards or perhaps like mine typed them out in a booklet folder, and I bet a lot of the recipes are similar
The first time he visited my parent's house after they passed, my son grabbed my mother's recipe box, saying "No way is Aunt Suzie getting these". He then handed them to me.
I’d bet a lot of Brethren have their momma’s recipes on cards or perhaps like mine typed them out in a booklet folder, and I bet a lot of the recipes are similar


funny you say that.... my mamma had recipes on cards as you mentioned.... she left that treasure to me in her will.... she knew my passion for cooking... also as you and Jen prolly can relate she had cards of how many vegetables she had canned :cool:

Same here Paul and Adams! When Mom passed, I saved all of her hand written recipes and her cast iron. Brings back great memories when I use them... :)
It's rare for me to actually sit down and eat a meal of barbecue these days, but I'll pick at it (quality testing of course) all day and enjoy it. I love the process and the challenge of the cook and I really enjoy seeing others enjoy what I prepared. But when I get home at the end of the day I'm probably going to grab a burger, pizza or chicken. Something fast and not difficult.
I am with you Paul.I enjoy feeding a crowd or cooking and giving the Q away.I enjoy running the cooker/smoker.For eating,your " grew up on" menu hits the spot. :thumb:
I am in the party of both. I absolutely love going to family reunions and eating dishes that my siblings prepared using our mom's methods that brings back fond memories. Granted, I eat a lot more variety than I did back then, so I am kicking myself for the things that I missed years ago. I love to cook BBQ for the sheer joy of creativity and feeding others. I get more enjoyment out of that than I do eating it myself.
I enjoy both. Although, it's kinda hard to eat BBQ right after I've been smoking all day.
It always tastes much better a couple days later.
When we have the So Cal bashes the question has come up about how much BBQ you eat and most don't eat much of it anymore. Believe it or not, the sides and deserts are usually the highlights of the bash.
One thing for sure. Your surrounded by folks that LOVE to cook, and that type of atmosphere brings out some of the best food and BBQ you've ever had!!
While I’m in the “both” camp, nothing is more satisfying than seeing and hearing the approval of friends and family for what I pull off the grill or smoker.
I personally like barbecue with fried chicken sides. Can't go wrong with a rib plate with mash taters and fried okra.
Well, while the smoking part is fun, it can’t beat the eatin’ part. My favorite breakfast is chopped pork mixed with scrambled eggs and rolled up in a flour tortilla. I never seem to have much leftovers with in laws like I have. But you are right, it does taste more smoke flavored the next day. I like it fresh, or thawed from a previous cook, ribs, brisket, pig butt, I like it all. As far as the cooking satisfying part, I’m just happy nobody got food poisoning. No one ever has but, there’s still a worry.
I love BBQ.

When you lock your dog and wife in the trunk of your car for four hours, when you return, only your dog is happy to see you.
I like the process and the eating but after a day of smoking something, I don't have much of a desire to do it again for awhile. I couldn't do it every day or even every week or I would probably start to not like BBQ very much.

I like to grill way more than smoke.
I like eating it, cooking it, sharing it with folks. It's all good. However by the time the main course is done frequently full from drinking beer and snacking on appetizers.

When we have the So Cal bashes the question has come up about how much BBQ you eat and most don't eat much of it anymore. Believe it or not, the sides and deserts are usually the highlights of the bash.
One thing for sure. Your surrounded by folks that LOVE to cook, and that type of atmosphere brings out some of the best food and BBQ you've ever had!!

Ray, I'm pretty sure your beef ribs are the highlight of SoCal Bashes.
I love bbqing because that means people are coming over AND the wife will let me buy meat to cook for others! Very rarely do I bbq for just the 4 of us. But I also love good Q and really don't care what the others think of it as long as my wife and kids like it...and I like to tinker and make incredible smoked I guess all of the above...I do think bbq is best enjoyed with others!
I am both and all of the above. In Louisiana, nearly all men cook, and in my family everybody cooks. If you're not in the kitchen, you're all alone.

Since I moved "up North" (I know Virginia is considered a Southern state, but I grew up thinking everything above I-10 was "up North".), nearly everyone I meet thinks it's strange that I cook.

I love to cook for people. I especially love to introduce people to better barbeque. Most folks think that meat charred to a crust with Sweet Baby Rays on a gasser is Q. Nothing makes me happier that watching those people's eyes and faces just relax when they try my ribs or burnt ends. It's almost like you shot them in the butt with a tranquilizer dart.

But I am not limited to Q. I like to make gumbo, jambalaya, fried chicken, paella, homemade sausages, etc. etc.

I found a quote that sums up my attitude towards people, food, and cooking:

"As a food buff, I find it awkward even to be in the company of a seemingly metabolic person who has no genuine interest in vittles. Not only in food per se, but in the process of making it exciting, esthetic, and enormously enjoyable. Too many of us lack the spirit of adventure inherent in the preparation and consumption of our daily bread...
... every second New Orleanean is an epicure; alert in the appreciation of the art of dining, dedicated to the skillful use of pots and pans.
They are aware that the stomach is at least the basis of our whole existence. It is a source of strength and weakness, of health and disease, of happiness and blues.
Yet the two series of operations which mostly concern the stomach - cooking and eating - are those which many of us devote the least thought and time."

Chef "Scoop" Kennedy, 1967