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Babbling Farker

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Jul 11, 2011
Tuscaloosa Alabama
I was thinking about this while I was making a round in the refinery this morning.... when I think of BBQ I'm thinking ribs, butts, Brisket and sometimes chicken... the reason I say sometimes chicken is because I direct cook it a lot and don't really associate it with BBQ.... that's just me.... the deal with me is I enjoy feeding others and enjoy the process and if most of us are honest I believe we enjoy the compliments and for people to say our food is good.... personally I would rather eat what I grew up on.....fried chicken...chicken and dumplings... rice and pork chops... meatloaf....salmon crocettes... fried catfish... hamburger steak... fried corn ... fried okra... pink eye purple hull peas.. speckled butterbeans... rattlesnake beans...stewed squash and onions... I like BBQ but I don't love it..... I love the process and enjoy the fellowship and love cooking for a most i'm sure after cooking all day just give me a good ole grilled burger and i'm totally happy just thinking I am not a lot of different from a lot of folks.. other than being a Crimson Tide fan... but they write Sharon a check every 2 weeks... so I have to say "Roll Tide"
I'm with you. Don't particularly like bbq myself, but enjoy preparing and serving it more.

One other thing I might add is the process. To me, it's my own version of alchemy. Changing something into a crowd pleasing concoction full of fun flavors and textures is intoxicating. Also, the process of handling food and manipulating it for hours kind of turns off my taste buds for it.
I like both. The process and feeding others is really fun. And I love BBQ food. But what's interesting in my case, I don't enjoy the food as much the day I cook. Maybe it's that I've been around smoke all day etc. So what I do now is I usually cook one day and re-heat the food the next day. For some reason it tastes better to me the next day.
I love it, but love cooking for others even more. I think what I really enjoy is the "alchemy" as stated above. I don't want to just hear that it was good, but I always follow up with "but was it the best you ever had?" and if not "what's missing?".

Back to the drawing board... Rinse... repeat...
I'm a both guy. I never had American BBQ until I moved here. Our BBQ or barbie back home is grilling snags or steaks for the most part. But, since I left, there's been a huge surge of American BBQ.

So, I love feeding people and I love eating what I cook.
I really can't say the food I grew up on was great. I started cooking at age of 12.
I enjoy all of it!
I smoke/cook more stuff that I don't/won't eat for the wife, family/friends. Just for the challenge and I really like doing it. They tell me it's great and request more. So I must be doing O.K.
Just that much more I get to cook. And experiment. I lost most of the ability to do other hobbies, I switched that time into cooking more.
For me, a day on the smoker is much like a day on my motorcycle. Slow down and enjoy where you are and what you're doing. When my stress level build I need to ride or smoke.
I really like BBQ, but with cooking a part of my creative outlet I would say simple street food from around the world is my preference to eat.
I love the process and seeing people enjoy my food. As for eating it I do like it but I love my wifes meatloaf, chili etc. Nothing beats a home cooked meal after work lol.
Aside from BBQ chicken, i dont eat all that much of the other stuff any longer.. I think after 20+ years, ive had my fill of eating it, but always enjoy the process.

I consider the BBQ process 'therapy'.. I love to cook and experiment, and feed other folks.. but personally, im happy with a pizza or a bowl of pasta. Even at our big BBQ events, im one to just grab a burger off the grill or an egg sandwich and be done.
I have to say I agree with everything you say. For most people when you talk BBQ, there's always a social aspect of it.. I hand out my BBQ all the time to have people try it.. I have family coming in I'm planning on cooking BBQ for them because I really enjoy the process of doing it and it looks so damn good when its prepared correctly.

But I love BBQ. I love food.. I'm a food guy! I enjoy cooking, I enjoy eating, I enjoy every style of food from grilled, baked, fried, smoked, boiled, etc.... I love everything there has to do with food.

Now As someone that builds Shirley Fab smokers for a living.... I am sure BBQ is around you every day. Sometimes its nice to just sit down and have burgers and dogs!
I like bbq and grilled foods. I prefer food cooked on fire to other methods when given the choice. It's to the point I'm not even good at pan searing a steak and it smokes up the house so I grill anything needing a seat. Same with ribs and pulled pork, if its not bbq'd it feels like it's missing something.
As I’ve said many times”I love to smoke but I prefer the taste of grilled”.
Recently some Brethren have stated they do not like the taste of fat dripping into fire. I love that flavor. You can’t buy it in a rub, you can’t buy it in a sauce. Fire over or very close to meat gives my taste preference a bonus. Smoked but hints strongly at grilled. My childhood menu sounds like yours. Lots of fried foods + fresh garden + lots of fried fish.
Pretty much the response I thought I would get..... Again I like BBQ but can get tired of it very quick..... I grew up watching my dad cook on an open fire from a brick pit he built... his steaks and butts I have never been able to match... he would literally cook butts for 24 hrs on that brick pit....foil was never part of the equation....Lord knows I wish I had paid more attention....he would send me in the woods with a piece of hickory with bark on it and say "Bring me something that looks like this"...he would put pieces of green hickory in that pit... I remember the meat being about 2ft away from the fire......
I love BBQ, but I love food and a wide variety of it. I have food ADD. But BBQ is by far the most fun to cook. I love fish (I'm a salt water guy) eating it is great, catching it is awsome, I have never found anything that beats a day on the ocean, but then, I grew up at the beach. I probably do Q 3-4 times a month. First I started (a long time ago) by smoking fish and slowly other proteins found their way in to the smoker.

I guess you are what you eat, I'm a pigfishcow apparently.