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Good lookin' eats right there, Cowgirl! I have finally figured out how to NOT drool all over my keyboard - before opening any posts by you, I tie a big ol' bib around my neck :biggrin:. Those keyboards were getting kinda pricey if ya know what I mean :rolleyes:.
Great looking Chops and fried green maters, Cowgirl! Quick long do you rinse the chops, after the brine?

Max, I just held these under the faucet and rinsed the grainy cure off. It took just a few minutes.

Thanks for the kind words folks and thanks for checking out my chops. :wink:

lol Dave, I like the bib idea....should be required before reading this whole fourm! :biggrin:
great looking chops, i gonna get fat reading all these
and you say mine looked better?

i would beg to differ.

Wow! :p Nice job Patty! Where did you find green tomatoes in February? :lol::lol::lol: That's the perfect Southern dish...IMHO! :biggrin:
Thanks folks!! You're definately too kind!

JD, I slice and can green tomatoes at the end of the growing season... then just drain, roll in seasoned flour and panko and fry til crispy. :)



3 Hour Cure?

Great looking stuff Cowgirl!

I'm curious about the cure. I assume it was dry? What was the goal? Why dry as opposed to a brine, and why tenderquick instead of regular salt?

