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I like you Moose, now I know what being Moosed is all about. If your ?'s are serious However, the TD is "No bones about it". So keeping with the spirit of the TD, I would say no to even plating bones. Bone Utensils are fine.

You've been "ribbed" and you didn't even know it! Get it now?

I think one of your mates voices just called you a wanker...:heh: :heh:

It wasn't me....

I did but I said it under my breath...:heh:

I was home watchin telly, fark off :yawn:

I like you Moose, now I know what being Moosed is all about. If your ?'s are serious However, the TD is "No bones about it". So keeping with the spirit of the TD, I would say no to even plating bones. Bone Utensils are fine.

You've been "ribbed" and you didn't even know it! Get it now?


This may help you understand the TD insanity...

OK, this seems to be the hierarchy. Gore gets involved. This then pulls in Moose (Usually in abject horror). Who pulls in Bigabyte. Who pulls in Caseydog (Again, and again, and...). Who inevitably pulls in me, which brings Redhot into the equation. Oldyote gets confused and jumps in too. Meanwhile, the Colonel is off the deep end and can show up at odd, random moments. Let's not even mention EggPlant man...
This has to be the most complicated TD ever in the history of complicated stuff.
Lets see if I have this straight, no bones allowed but you can use bone utensils, so that means if you make lollipop chicken, or a rib eye/beef rib tomahawk style where the bone becomes the eating utensil it would conform to the special rules and be allowed . I mean really who wants to use a raw bone eating utensil. But more important to me I would like to know if dominoes are allowed in any way shape or form???
This has to be the most complicated TD ever in the history of complicated stuff.
Lets see if I have this straight, no bones allowed but you can use bone utensils, so that means if you make lollipop chicken, or a rib eye/beef rib tomahawk style where the bone becomes the eating utensil it would conform to the special rules and be allowed . I mean really who wants to use a raw bone eating utensil. But more important to me I would like to know if dominoes are allowed in any way shape or form???

I see what you did there..
This may help you understand the TD insanity...

OK, this seems to be the hierarchy. Gore gets involved. This then pulls in Moose (Usually in abject horror). Who pulls in Bigabyte. Who pulls in Caseydog (Again, and again, and...). Who inevitably pulls in me, which brings Redhot into the equation. Oldyote gets confused and jumps in too. Meanwhile, the Colonel is off the deep end and can show up at odd, random moments. Let's not even mention EggPlant man...

Guerry, this is a little outdated now and things have changed a bit. I'd love to see an updated version!

Guerry, this is a little outdated now and things have changed a bit. I'd love to see an updated version!


Fark, where did Moose come from? ... I wasn't even going to post anything because I thought he was still moving or something. I'm sorry, I'm way behind. So, this appears to be like the fifth "open" category in a row, but it could be the sixth, I might have lost count. I'm thinking of boiling up some boneless rib meat served on the utensils that they come with.