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I absolutely love BBQ'd corn Gore and this tutorial is off the hook. :thumb: I've tried a lot of different ways to BBQ corn in the past, but never dreamed of any method as cutting edge as this one. I can't wait to give this one a try myself. Oh, and if I was making the call on the money shot, I'd go with this one.



I Love It! Complete with built in penicillin too! :thumb:
My first entry on this forum.

Still feelin' my way around the site and haven't truly figured out how to post; so, here goes.

Toast has been after me to enter something, so here goes. He & I were neighbors many years ago and have stayed in touch all these years. I guess you can blame me for him. I taught him a lot: but not everything I know. He learned the rest on his own.

This is tenderloin porkchops stuffed with boudin and my personal rub recipe.

The apples/carrots/raspberries have a bourbon glaze made from Wild Turkey's American Honey.

The veggies (artichoke hearts/onion/sugar peas/sliced tomatoes) are sauteed with olive oil/lemon juice/S&P.

BTW: a pleasant surprise was the bourbon glaze was also excellent on the chops/boudin.

Last pic is my money plate.

Thanks for looking and appreciate any votes.


Your too kind Cajokie as you always have been. This Guy taught me Everything I claim to know.

Mighty Fine! :thumb: