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True. That was soooo last year. I'll have to rearrange a few names and their, um, "special" attributes...

Don't forget some of our newer members, now. You know the ONES I'm talking about.

This may help you understand the TD insanity...

OK, this seems to be the hierarchy. Gore gets involved. This then pulls in Moose (Usually in abject horror). Who pulls in Bigabyte. Who pulls in Caseydog (Again, and again, and...). Who inevitably pulls in me, which brings Redhot into the equation. Oldyote gets confused and jumps in too. Meanwhile, the Colonel is off the deep end and can show up at odd, random moments. Let's not even mention EggPlant man...

Was somebody looking for me?
Fark, where did Moose come from? ... I wasn't even going to post anything because I thought he was still moving or something. I'm sorry, I'm way behind. So, this appears to be like the fifth "open" category in a row, but it could be the sixth, I might have lost count. I'm thinking of boiling up some boneless rib meat served on the utensils that they come with.

I love all you brethren, just do not cook your utensils.
Watch out PYGBOYZ has had a few drinks. Ha ha. After all it is Friday night and the wife just got paid.
This may help you understand the TD insanity...

OK, this seems to be the hierarchy. Gore gets involved. This then pulls in Moose (Usually in abject horror). Who pulls in Bigabyte. Who pulls in Caseydog (Again, and again, and...). Who inevitably pulls in me, which brings Redhot into the equation. Oldyote gets confused and jumps in too. Meanwhile, the Colonel is off the deep end and can show up at odd, random moments. Let's not even mention EggPlant man...

<sniff> See how hard it is? I did not even make the anarch 'er I mean hierarchy. :tsk: :rolleyes: :tsk:

No bones?

how about a boneless Ribeye?


Nekid ribeye, just waiting for some seasoning


A new steak seasoning blend I have been playing with. I have been very pleased with it so far.


Close up the seared outside while resting.

Entry pic


Cut to show its medium rare center.