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I'm glad to you are so detached and relaxed now that you are smoking. You seem the sort to pick things up rather quickly so I suspect we will see lots of great pron from you, as you explore the wonders of smoking. The pictures are quite good, looking forward to seeing many more

Nice job sash! Looking good!

Now that you got your first taste of fatties, would bet that they become staples in your life.

So....whatcha gonna do next? ABTs? Maybe some MOINKs? Oh man, if the skinnies liked the fatties, they'll go absolutely BONKERS for MOINKs!

MOINK: Moo (beef) + OINK (pig) = MOINK.

Offical rules for MOINKs state that you must use pre made frozen meatballs for the beef (defrosted), then wrap in bacon, dust with rub, then smoke till done. You MAY elect to finish with some sauce, then smoke a bit to set, or just go with the un-enrobed MOINK.

Be sure to make more than what you think you might'll end up wishing you had made more. :D

Good luck! And keep posting the pr0n.


Well this sounds like a must.