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Crsp! I knew it was coming on but I got sidetracked and missed it. I was cooking a giant pot of ham and bean soup and flipping through the channels before the show and I landed on Kelly's Heroes. I watched that, finished the soup and went to bed. :mad:

Oh well, I'll have to cruise TLC's website and see if they list a re-air. :roll:
I was talking to Jamie Geer a few months back and he was telling me that the Teutul's had called him about building a pit on the American Choppers show and he stated that he wasn't sure if he could do it since he was still under contract with TLC for the Pitmasters show. Therefore I guess there is still an option out there for another season. .

Did you watch the American Chopper episode before BBQP?

They built the pit and it was for a late season Jets tailgate party. So maybe the conflict in contracts was current, not something forward looking to next season? Just guessing

The best thing about yesterday was learning L.A. Ink and Kat are back in 2 weeks!!!!!
I almost lost it when Jamie loaded up those spares with cayenne. That was great! My wife even commented about it and "that's just mean, funny as heck, but mean". I thought it was hilarious.
Finally I saw the first 3 episodes yesterday....what a bunch of guys!
I could smell the testosteron of my screen...jeeeez!
Too bad about that they've got to size their balls up to show that they're "men",makes them look real dumb in my opinion....
Cool show though,gonna watch the rest this weekend.
It was a fun episode but the judges' lip slopping sounds that were either mixed louder or added after the fact were disgusting. I don't think there was any need for that. Yuck.

MM didn't help his cause any among judges by calling a woman "fat". Female judges watching will remember that comment for a long time and I'd bet that any of them who recognizes MM's food will take that comment into account in the judging process.

And that little stunt that Jamie pulled was pretty funny. "Smells like my 1st wife." :)

Anyway, I hope it returns for another season.
I'm going to swim upstream tonight and say that this was possibly the worst episode of the series. The concept was OK, but it just fell flat for me. One category? Really? OK, you might be able to stretch and turn it into two "mini categories", but that was a serious letdown for me. Even backyard cookers have to cook two meats!

I'm sorry, but I have to be honest and say that it was largely a yawn for me. The concept had potential that, to me, wasn't capitalized upon. Even my wife agreed, and she's just a competition observer.

Four meats would not have fit into the shows hour long time slot
It was a nice play.... Johnny is a Rib guy

He picked two Ribs for the deal

A yawn? Hummm OK
So do we know if these were actual KCBS or MBN judges? Don't know if it was said. Just curious is all.

Jeff and Lynn Shivers were the lead judges
They have run the IBCA for years
Now this is funny. First off they said Johnny invited the judges and hand selected them. At least Thom identified Jeff and Lynn. But I'm amazed so far that nobody identified a BBQ legend sitting next to the heavyset lady (I'm a little more complimentary than Myron). That was none other than Jerry King from Midland Texas. One of the best cooks in competition and if you see that horse trailer of his pull up at a contest you better bring your A game or take a major beatdown. And he's also one heck of a nice guy to talk with at a contest. Had that privlige more than once.
I actually loved this episode. I loved Myron's remarks as they were watching the judging. I almost spit my tea out of my mouth when he referred to the "heavy set" woman as something other than slinder... :biggrin: Hilarious.
I'd love to watch judges bitch about my food. That was fun. Now does anyone know when the new season of Shear Genius airs?
I really enjoyed last's night show. I too wish they could have at least told us what the judges credentials were and maybe how they were judging (Myron made a comment to the effect of, your not judging on appearance, which made me scratch my head).

I was absolutely rolling on the couch listening to Jaime. He poured on the cayenne! :twisted:

I hope they pick it up for another season or many more. True there was some drama, but we wouldn't watch it if there wasn't. I learned some great tips and even better, it gave me the BBQ bug!
Anybody notice that Harry did NOT remove the membrane from his ribs?
You could very clearly see the membrane on the ribs as he was seasoning them.

I thought that was interesting.

I was VERY entertained with the series.

My suggestion for next year is to definitely feature a handful of top teams, but also make it a point to every once in a while get in there with a different local team each episode (maybe even a party team). I think it'd be "interesting" to see and hear a few amateurs fumble their way through things (I know Paul was supposed to be the rookie, but he quickly got up to speed and got serious about BBQ).
My least favorite episode. A contrived contest? Yawn.

I know that Harry Soo is a really nice guy and a good cook, but no bold flavors in the Midwest? Pah-lease!

BTW, Myron's ribs looked like black dog chit.

For at least the last four episodes, Johnny made the show.