Role Call Fire and Fun Westfield, Wi Aug 20,21

I know some one had a few cause we went thru 2 bottles of GJ for the 9:22 ... of course one the freezer drank
Not sure if you heard the story but my partner was freezing a bottle of GJ and it broke :mad::mad2::mad2:

Nah, that was a quality test and obviously it failed. Any Jack with quality alcohol content wouldn't freeze. :heh: If I were you I'd make the package store that sold you such inferior quality alcohol give you a refund. :boxing:
Nah, that was a quality test and obviously it failed. Any Jack with quality alcohol content wouldn't freeze. :heh: If I were you I'd make the package store that sold you such inferior quality alcohol give you a refund. :boxing:

I think it had more to do with the container that he had the water and booze in :rolleyes: