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The burner is auto ignite and has nice control.

Here is low


Here is High

My wife is going to make me quit coming to this place been a member for 1 month and already spent hundreds on new toys and the list keeps growing. That looks awsome. Gota have one
those are some good looking tacos - did you make the tortillas?
Looks awesome!! I'm gonna have to try that. Can you or Bob post a recipe for that?

There's no one set recipe. Once you do the the chorizo and meat, you can use your imagination from there. I've seen and used things like shrooms, peppers(japs and bells), maters, onion, cilantro, bacon, cubed baloney and weiners, small diced potato, etc. As far as simmering liquids go, I've used beer, wine, wooster, broth, and one time even used thinned out red chile.

A search here on the board will pull up some discada threads and recipes.

Did you learn this word in the Hood, Pat.............Chingon? That set up, the tacos, and you my friend, are Chingon!! I can see where the adjustable reg comes into play. I'm thinking that most of the problems I've heard of with those burners is maybe due to a lack of the reg not being adjusted properly. I would so hit that plate of tacos my friend. I'll bring the coldies!! Whadda ya say?
