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After watching a video by Harry Soo, I want to make certain that I got everything correct. I'm going to be cooking a prime 17 lb brisket for Fourth of July along with 4 racks of St Louis ribs. I plan on using Post oak splits... to be specific B&B splits and I'm hoping they're not too long. If anybody has done some stick burner methods with a WSM please chime in here to give me some tips. Thank you

As someone who has owned all three sizes of the WSM family and attempted to use them as “stickburners,” I highly recommend you don’t actually try this. I’ve seen the Harry Soo video. You will need a consistent coal bed and a lot of extra air leaving the access door off. Problem is it will burn very hot this way using full splits...assuming you can even keep them burning clean all the time. Even with the water pan in and filled, temps can get out of hand easily, you’ll undoubtedly get a lot of nasty smoke at times and you can easily ruin your WSM doing this. They aren’t meant for it and it will be way harder than a traditional stickburner. If you want stickburner flavor then buy a stickburner.
I have no experience with a WSM, but out of boredom I did try something similar with my LSG Mini. I started with a half chimney of white hot charcoals that I dumped into the charcoal basket. I opened the ball valve air intake and the vent stack wide open to promote max air flow and added one wood chunk, NOT a split. I simply kept adding a chunk or two as needed to maintain my temp of 250. The key for me was having a fire that burned clean but not screeching hot, and the way I accomplished this was with a SMALL fire.I made sure that the size of the fire dictated the cooker temp, and by not choking down the air intake the fire burned clean all day. The results of the cook that day were excellent, and my experiment was fun, but the reason that I bought the cabinet smoker was so I didn't have to babysit it all day!
Keep in mind that internet celebrities don't necessarily have good ideas, they're just trying to generate clicks and views. This guy is always doing novelty nonsense.
Yes I’ve done it. No it doesn’t work well. Not enough air, even with the door fully off and small splits.

It’s fun to try, and I even did a thread on my attempt, but other than saying “oh I did it” you don’t accomplish much :-D.

And this is coming from a guy that loves trying random crap :p