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Smokedelic: I can cook any brisket laid in front of me perfectly. Period. However, I choose wagyu because it's better beef. Period. Knowing how to cook it perfectly takes just as much talent/ability as cooking a "ordinary" brisket.
The provider I spoke with could provide 8+ grade Wagyu for $4/lb.

Good luck!

what about a 15-18? where there any of those available? the ones that I size I found were like $16/lb. For that much, Its not worth it to me, for competition or for home consumption. I can buy a whole bunch of dry aged prime steak for that kind of money.

I don't think that people realize, many of the people that are cooking designer breeds are pretty damn good cooks to start with. They all know how to cook brisket. It might be the right "tweak" that gives a very good cook that little bit of an edge, it sure as hell isn't the magic bullet that will guarantee victory.
I usually cook CABs and do pretty well. Lately the best I can find locally is IBP Choice. We'll see how these $40 pieces of meat do this weekend against the $200 fancy-shmansy stuff. :boxing:
My $40 choice brisket came in 2nd, beating out the $150 delivered Waygus. I've got to give props to Butcher's BBQ and his brisket injection - good stuff :thumb:
Magic Bullet Grade Brisket

News Flash.... After reading down this entire post, what is the one thing missing from the discussion? The end result.. The entire purpose of cooking barbeque low and slow, (especially brisket) is to take an undesirable cut of meat and render it tender and moist using your skills of fire control, seasoning and overall knowledge. I do believe that starting out with the best cut of meat that you can afford is step one. I am fortunate to have my briskets sponsored. We have won using every type of beef out there, from a Walmart Packer to CAB prime to Creekstone Natural prior to going exclusively with our sponsor, Brandt Beef. A Magic Bullet Brand ? I don't think so. Consistancy ? Yes. Landing on the right table? Yes. :p
So, big poppa's wants to charge me $134 for a 16lb brisket (that's 2 day shipping)....when strube wasn't even busting the $100 mark for a 17lb brisket. Seems to me as though people really enjoy making money hand over fist while trying to convince others of what a great thing they're doing. Back to SRF for me and mine....