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To see the new shipping, you have to pick each product and start the checkout process. Shipping to RI it shapes up like this:

11-14 pound brisket: $70 + $55 shipping
14-17 pound brisket: $80 + $60 shipping
17+ pound brisket: $95 + $80 shipping

Last year I was paying $88 for 17 pound briskets delivered.
That would have to be some pretty impressive packing and handling.
Sometimes responses just aren't even worth the time Jeff. If folks like to keep blinders on and feel they can cheat, so be it. Pellets have been legal for over 10 years and I guarantee you as long as the KCBS President is a pellethead, nothing will be changing. But if folks want to think I am cheating g, so be it. It's not like its the only pits I have are pellet.....

Whoa.. hold on... I'm advocating the legal use of the CT Butt not the illegal use of the CT Butt (which constitutes cheating).

My point here is that you are fine with using alternative (non-traditional) forms of cooking equipment, but you're adamantly against using any alternative (non-traditional) forms of meat. This sounds hypocritical.

I don't consider using a pellet popper cheating - I'm just surprised to hear someone using one so strongly criticizing the use of a non-traditional cut of meat.
Holy briskets batman!! At $10 per pound.. I could maybe afford to cook one for competition, but certainly couldn't afford to practice with them.
I'll take my $2.25 primes and cook 5 of them for that price!!

To see the new shipping, you have to pick each product and start the checkout process. Shipping to RI it shapes up like this:

11-14 pound brisket: $70 + $55 shipping
14-17 pound brisket: $80 + $60 shipping
17+ pound brisket: $95 + $80 shipping

Last year I was paying $88 for 17 pound briskets delivered.
Holy briskets batman!! At $10 per pound.. I could maybe afford to cook one for competition, but certainly couldn't afford to practice with them.
I'll take my $2.25 primes and cook 5 of them for that price!!

Couldn't agree with you more. Such a shame, because they have a great product, they've just become too proud of it....
Though some of this has gotten way, way off topic, I think it's important to recollect on just how quickly trends come and go. I'm just going to say that if the bod's decided to allow teams to cook CT's, it would be all the rage for a few seasons, much the same as wagyu briskets have become all the rage over the past couple of years, yet there is still no proven factor in consistent winning with them. Some are using them, some aren't.

When I'm able to put a boston butt that I'm happy with on the judging table, I'll also put it up against any CT, any.
Let's re-think this...

Pellet cookers are legal and are in the RULES as being legal.

Pork collars are ILLEGAL and the board has ruled on that.

So what point are you trying to make? This has NOTHING to do with tradition.

I cook on a stick burner anyway..... so to say I am
Hypocritical is a slap in my face. Go read the damn rules.

Whoa.. hold on... I'm advocating the legal use of the CT Butt not the illegal use of the CT Butt (which constitutes cheating).

My point here is that you are fine with using alternative (non-traditional) forms of cooking equipment, but you're adamantly against using any alternative (non-traditional) forms of meat. This sounds hypocritical.

I don't consider using a pellet popper cheating - I'm just surprised to hear someone using one so strongly criticizing the use of a non-traditional cut of meat.
Let's re-think this...

Pellet cookers are legal and are in the RULES as being legal.

Pork collars are ILLEGAL and the board has ruled on that.

So what point are you trying to make? This has NOTHING to do with tradition.

I cook on a stick burner anyway..... so to say I am
Hypocritical is a slap in my face. Go read the damn rules.

Nuff said - this is becoming counter-productive and I can't make my point any clearer. We don't disagree on the current rules - we differ on whether or not CT Butts should be allowed. To that end, I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. :tape:
For those of you that care about SRF briskets or whatever other products you may get from there, I got on their facebook page and let them have it over the cost increase. About 10 minutes ago, they sent me a message apologizing for the cost increase and told me they'd give me 15% off all purchases this year by entering the code "SRFBBQ"....any of you that care to purchase from SRF, make sure you enter that code at checkout.
For those of you that care about SRF briskets or whatever other products you may get from there, I got on their facebook page and let them have it over the cost increase. About 10 minutes ago, they sent me a message apologizing for the cost increase and told me they'd give me 15% off all purchases this year by entering the code "SRFBBQ"....any of you that care to purchase from SRF, make sure you enter that code at checkout.

You did let em have it.:becky: Way to be the squeaky wheel! :thumb:
Strube Ranch (recommended to me by Diva Q) priced me wagyu briskets for $4.50lb minus shipping cost...but their shipping was only $12.50 per brisket, compared to $80 from srf.
Strube quoted me $5 per lb. brisky and $50 ship.

SRF I got a 14-17lb brisky and $43 ship charge

I should've mentioned that I was in a 2 day shipping range, which is why mine was only $12 per brisket. If you're outside of that, they may have to ship overnight which would drastically increase the cost.

I don't understand the $5 per lb though, I just ordered one today at $4.50 per lb....
For anybody in Houston, you can buy a Waygu brisket at Pete's Fine Meats on Richmond. Last I was in there they were 5.99/pound. CAB was 3.99 if I remember right.
"...Wagyu is the pretty prom date that wants to go as friends. However, she wants to drink for the first time that never know...I'll see you all at the Wood Pile."

Well said my friend. We've cooked with wagyu from snake river and it was damn good, I mean DAMN GOOD. but you gotta look at the history of bbq and see that it still holds true. BBQ was formed by taking the crappy cuts and turning em into gold, and I firmly believe that is still true. A CAB brisket, when done right can challenge any wagyu brisket out there. It all comes down to the cook.

So instead of paying lots of money to take that hot prom date that only wants to be friends and may or may not get tanked...I say always bet on the ugly one that will show you a helluva time! :amen: