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Margarine on any food is downright disgusting. It is NOT food.

Butter the ribs? What are you guys CRAZY. Just to win a prize you screw with the food and add all "kinds of stuff in the foil".

I guess since I don't foil I don't understand.

No offense but you might want to take a look around and get a little better feel for where it is you are posting and what many competition cooks have had great success with through the years. While you don't have to do all of the things you see posted here, most of them are worth taking a good look at before you dismiss them.

As far margarine not being food, there are millions of people that would disagree with you about that on any given day. If you don't believe me take a look in your local grocery store. Just because you ( and for the record me too) don't like margarine it is still food to lots of folks.

I'm sorry you don't get foiling, but it has become an almost indispensable part of the competition cooking process. Now if you can develop a newer technique that is proven to win as much or more than foiling please let us know. There will be plenty of people jumping on the bandwagon.
No offense but you might want to take a look around and get a little better feel for where it is you are posting and what many competition cooks have had great success with through the years. While you don't have to do all of the things you see posted here, most of them are worth taking a good look at before you dismiss them.

I'm sorry you don't get foiling, but it has become an almost indispensable part of the competition cooking process. Now if you can develop a newer technique that is proven to win as much or more than foiling please let us know. There will be plenty of people jumping on the bandwagon.

Here here :clap2:
Margarine on any food is downright disgusting. It is NOT food.

Butter the ribs? What are you guys CRAZY. Just to win a prize you screw with the food and add all "kinds of stuff in the foil".

I guess since I don't foil I don't understand.

Foiling is a tool used by competition cooks to accelerate the cooking process, prevent oversmoking and keep the ribs as moist as possible. Keep in mind these competitions are for cash prizes, most of the time in the order of $2000 to $5000 and sometimes higher for Grand Champion so we are not cooking for trinkets. Also keep in mind that we only get a bite or two from the judges so we try to make sure our tenderness and flavors stand out so the judges take notice.
Foiling is a tool used by competition cooks to accelerate the cooking process, prevent oversmoking and keep the ribs as moist as possible. Keep in mind these competitions are for cash prizes, most of the time in the order of $2000 to $5000 and sometimes higher for Grand Champion so we are not cooking for trinkets. Also keep in mind that we only get a bite or two from the judges so we try to make sure our tenderness and flavors stand out so the judges take notice.

But obviously us guys are CRAZY!.. :loco:
I use Parkay when I wrap - I also use 2 sheets of heavy duty foil as well.

Last comp I was in I walked by Johnny Trigg's area and I swear he had 15 to 20 of the blue bottles laying all around his prep area.
I use Parkay when I wrap - I also use 2 sheets of heavy duty foil as well.

Last comp I was in I walked by Johnny Trigg's area and I swear he had 15 to 20 of the blue bottles laying all around his prep area.

They probably sponsor him and if they don't they should. Keith
Margarine on any food is downright disgusting. It is NOT food.

Butter the ribs? What are you guys CRAZY. Just to win a prize you screw with the food and add all "kinds of stuff in the foil".

I guess since I don't foil I don't understand.



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I think everyone is using the parkay, honey and sugar and I believe this is why one week you will be top 5 and next week in he middle of pack everyone cooks the same and it has became a luck. The last comp I did I ditched this technique and ended up tied for 4th not gonna use it in Lexington next week either but I do wrap just with something else:idea: we will see what happens I judged one contest and I swear the ribs were like eating parkay out of the bottle I thought it was disgusting now that I have switched.
I guess you've won lots of awards in ribs by not foiling or screwing around with stuff.

Have only attended one comp. 14th overall out of 37 entrants at the recent Best Dam Barbecue in Boulder City Nevada May 24th 2013. YEAH....I DID see what a JOKE it is how the "BBQ" chicken is done. Soaked in sugar and butter, scrapped skins yadda yadda yadda.

BBQ competition food is a VERY different format than any BBQ I've prepared or eaten. KCBS guidelines have only lead to prize seeking crews, not really improving much on what hits the plate. That's just the way I see it. Pretty much a joke.
Have only attended one comp. 14th overall out of 37 entrants at the recent Best Dam Barbecue in Boulder City Nevada May 24th 2013. YEAH....I DID see what a JOKE it is how the "BBQ" chicken is done. Soaked in sugar and butter, scrapped skins yadda yadda yadda.

BBQ competition food is a VERY different format than any BBQ I've prepared or eaten. KCBS guidelines have only lead to prize seeking crews, not really improving much on what hits the plate. That's just the way I see it. Pretty much a joke.

So, find another hobby then if this ain't for you. Calling people Crazy and what we do as a joke sure as sh#t ain't gonna find you many friends on the "Competition" side of this forum. Also, I am one of those "Prize seeking cews".. part of the reason to compete, and I've gotten some rather large prizes in the past 6-7 years. And I disagree that think that things havent really improved on what hits the plate.. Competition gets larger and larger, and people get better and better.. It takes a lot to come up with an edge to be able to beat some of the best out there..

I think you're just sore because you got a beat-down your first time out.
Have only attended one comp. 14th overall out of 37 entrants at the recent Best Dam Barbecue in Boulder City Nevada May 24th 2013. YEAH....I DID see what a JOKE it is how the "BBQ" chicken is done. Soaked in sugar and butter, scrapped skins yadda yadda yadda.

BBQ competition food is a VERY different format than any BBQ I've prepared or eaten. KCBS guidelines have only lead to prize seeking crews, not really improving much on what hits the plate. That's just the way I see it. Pretty much a joke.

So you won't be competing in any more KCBS events? Or feel the need to voice your opinion in a forum section dedicated to competition bbq as a whole this is also very specific to KCBS competitions for the sole purpose of stirring the pot with empty, non-constructive comments such as "pretty much a joke"??? Sounds like a plan to me. :clap::becky: