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What kind of TD Voting do you prefer

  • I prefer results hidden while in progress

    Votes: 42 56.0%
  • I prefer results shown while in progress

    Votes: 33 44.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Some folks are just hanging themselves... we've supplied the rope.. they are knotting it.. time to take previous warning seriously.

I try to stay out of the TD forum moderation and let the TD mods handle it.. but the TD IS part of the BBQ Brethren Forums and this bullchit would not be tolerated outside of it. So take this as the last straw.. and last warning..any more whining or passive aggressive backdoor bullchit about the results of the grandmaster poll, and the TD forum will cease to exist in your forum index.

Im about done with the bullchit.. If you find yourself LOCKED OUT of the TD forum. You will know why.

More rope and more knots. Your call, Folks.
Seems to me the only one with heartburn is the Aussie we he does not win.

Come on, dude. This ship has sailed. Nobody is even talking about the allegations from the last TD still. The conversation has moved on to special rules and dilly bars. There is no need to bring this back up unless you are trolling and trying to stir the pot again.

I for one enjoy the TD's a lot and would hate to see them shuttered because somebody who doesn't even participate in them or even on the Brethren as a whole decided to come in here with an agenda. Either respect this forum or get out. Don't come in here with a flame thrower and then leave.
Some folks are just hanging themselves... we've supplied the rope.. they are knotting it.. time to take previous warning seriously.

I try to stay out of the TD forum moderation and let the TD mods handle it.. but the TD IS part of the BBQ Brethren Forums and this bullchit would not be tolerated outside of it. So take this as the last straw.. and last warning..any more whining or passive aggressive backdoor bullchit about the results of the grandmaster poll, and the TD forum will cease to exist in your forum index.

Im about done with the bullchit.. If you find yourself LOCKED OUT of the TD forum. You will know why.

More rope and more knots. Your call, Folks.

So, Like I said, I'm done with the BS. My warning was fair and clear.

Come on, dude. This ship has sailed. Nobody is even talking about the allegations from the last TD still. The conversation has moved on to special rules and dilly bars. There is no need to bring this back up unless you are trolling and trying to stir the pot again.

I for one enjoy the TD's a lot and would hate to see them shuttered because somebody who doesn't even participate in them or even on the Brethren as a whole decided to come in here with an agenda. Either respect this forum or get out. Don't come in here with a flame thrower and then leave.

Thanks Oifmarine.. Im sure the TD mods will get this worked out.

But old number 7 wont be able to read your response as per my warning above.

You know...the really bad Mexican you you get sometimes when you have that Mexican food craving but are in some random town up north where their idea of Mexican food is WAY different than any other Mexican food you have ever had? Like Wolf brand chili is their idea of chile con carne...

You decided to give Don Pablo's another chance and regretted it too?
Enforce the TD rules with a DQ.

Special rules violations should be left up to the voters. If not there will never be an end to the arguments.

Note on the voting thread "Voter's be aware of any special rules laid out in the category description and please use your vote to determine if the entry has met all the qualifications" or something along those lines.
Enforce the TD rules with a DQ.

Special rules violations should be left up to the voters. If not there will never be an end to the arguments.

Note on the voting thread "Voter's be aware of any special rules laid out in the category description and please use your vote to determine if the entry has met all the qualifications" or something along those lines.

That would be the ultimate to me. :thumb:

Rule 12 from the current TD rules bumped by Moose today:

12. If you have ANY problems with ANY of the entries, believing them not to be qualified for ANY reason, please use the VOTE thread and exercise your power of voting against those entries. DO NOT post any complaints in the Throwdown threads about any entry. DO NOT complain about those entries to the moderators. DO NOT complain to the person who made the entry via PM or any other means, as this could be construed as a personal attack which is against forum rules. Any complaints or attacks posted in any Throwdown thread will be deleted, or worse.
Does that not imply "let the voters decide"? Also complaints within a TD thread are not being deleted as stated, instead most of those complaints lead to entries being DQ'd.

15. If the moderators finds an entry to have violated any of the posted rules, then the moderators reserves the right to disqualify the entry.
OK I get this the mods have the right to DQ an entry that has violated any of the posted rules, I see no mention of arbitrary special rules that change from week to week nor are these special rules posted in the TD rules.

I don't disagree. But, when we asked the TD Hosts to enforce their own special rules they refused, it fell to the TD mods. And, most of the instances that people cote when complaining about DQs are caused by special rules that are set by a TD host.

Perhaps that should be a condition for a TD Host that wants to enact special rules in their TD.

I know that special rules are a part of TD history and probably here to stay (they can be fun) and most of the people angered when they result in a DQ are the TD vets. I hear a lot of "we don't want to discourage new people from participating" or "we want to attract new participants". Well what about retaining some of the Vets, aren't they equally as important? It's almost like being with a cable company for many years, always paying your bill on time then watching them offer deep discounts to attract new customers without extending those offers to their existing good customers. Cant we find middle ground on a compromise that both helps retain vets and attract new participants? BTW I know some DQ's have led to first time participants leaving because of special rules DQ's so it's not just the Vets. The Vets are just more vocal about it maybe because we remember the good ole days when special rules violations resulted in people joking about it and perhaps a new nickname instead of a DQ.

Personally I like Jason's suggestion best. Let the voters decide on special rules which BTW is what is stated in the current TD rules. Right now special rules are being governed contrary to the posted TD rules. That needs to be fixed whichever way this ends up going. I also think letting the TD Host govern the special rules is a good compromise, if they want special rules in their TD let them man/woman up and take their idea by the horns (for some strange reason special rules always reminds me of bulls :noidea:).
Maybe add
"12. If you have ANY problems with ANY of the entries, believing them not to be qualified for ANY reason, please use the VOTE thread and exercise your power of voting against those entries. DO NOT post any complaints in the Throwdown threads about any entry. DO NOT complain about those entries to the moderators. DO NOT complain to the person who made the entry via PM or any other means, as this could be construed as a personal attack which is against forum rules. Any complaints or attacks posted in any Throwdown thread will be deleted, or worse."
permanently under
"Click here to READ THE RULES for the BBQ Brethren Throwdown..." in the "CATEGORY DESCRIPTION - READ BEFORE ENTERING" portion of each throwdown.
This way, if people read no other rule, they will read that one.
Maybe add
"12. If you have ANY problems with ANY of the entries, believing them not to be qualified for ANY reason, please use the VOTE thread and exercise your power of voting against those entries. DO NOT post any complaints in the Throwdown threads about any entry. DO NOT complain about those entries to the moderators. DO NOT complain to the person who made the entry via PM or any other means, as this could be construed as a personal attack which is against forum rules. Any complaints or attacks posted in any Throwdown thread will be deleted, or worse."
permanently under
"Click here to READ THE RULES for the BBQ Brethren Throwdown..." in the "CATEGORY DESCRIPTION - READ BEFORE ENTERING" portion of each throwdown.
This way, if people read no other rule, they will read that one.

That sounds like a good idea to me dads.

The only thing that would still make me nervous is allowing the TD Host to moderate his/her own TD rules. That really leaves the door open to more potential controversy. So who ever gets DQ'd by the host will still be pissed at someone, just a different someone than the mods. By letting the voters decide period, you are giving the power to the people as a whole and following the rules as written period. You have a problem with something, you should've voted. You did vote but it didn't go the way you wanted, tough chit. You want to complain about it in the thread, zap, it's deleted, do it again and your banned from the TD's. That's why the often overlooked rule #12 is there to begin with. If you don't like the rules, then don't play.

There is a reason that moderators are designated to the TD's, because there is a certain amount of judgment and understanding about the forum policies that needs to be considered before asserting the power that has been given. That power shouldn't just be shifted to any old person just because they called a TD. Controversy will be sure to follow.

I see no reason that those who are interested cannot continue the pregame banter that we're used to. If you want it to continue to be fun, then have fun, just do it keeping in mind that ultimately the vote will be decided by the people.
The worst thing about that generous prize package is that depending on who the winner was the package could have been completely different. Perhaps prizes should be posted in advance so that everyone knows the stakes. Full transparency could sure help eliminate some conspiracy theories and that also applies to voting.
Yeah. Besides. Even if no one knew about the prize package before hand, everyone sure as Hell knows now, and it will be an expectation for future GMs, meaning that each individual TD will be effected as folks vie for the ultimate pay off. Win a single TD, and you get something to be voted on for a quarterly, and so on. There's a reason the Comp forum can be brutal.
DAMN! I just saw the congrats thread. With 400 dollars in prizes at the end of a year on the table, fun goes right out the window. That is some serious coin and we're an opportunistic predatory species...



I'm new here, maybe over a year or so, and I won my very first TD recently. Believe me, it's a confidence builder and something I am very proud of. Thank you for the platform Phil.
I understand and can appreciate all the valid points about what is fun about these TD's and what is not. I did not vote on the poll, nor would I. It's fun for me, IMO.
But truth be told, Toast won a really close battle, and a fantastic meal to boot.
For the time being, let him enjoy the moment. Don't kill his buzz.

We have the rest of lives to work out the schematics of future TD's.