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Quintessential Chatty Farker
Jul 1, 2013
Grayslake, IL
Every year our town does their fireworks on the Saturday before the fourth. Even when the fourth is a Saturday... Here is last year's party You'll notice that I say in there that I will probably need a Shirley pit for next year, which as it so happens, I now have :)

We went with a central Texas type food theme. Briskets, Beef Shorts, Beef backs, home made Texas Hot links, and by request some pulled pork (I know its not really a texas thing, but the Mrs loves it and insisted. We also had mac and cheese, corn bread, baked beans with fatty, smoked jalapenos, and chuckie in them, and a bunch of salads and fruit I think.. I don't really know, I didn't waste any room on that chit.

We also did a big table of home made salamis and local Wisconsin cheeses that was awesome, but I didn't get any pics, other than this prep -

Ok, so enough typing, on with the pron!

Fatties for beans

Long night at the fire...


Briskets got dirty Dalmation... The back one got shorted so it got Salt lick on one side

Short rib plates. I had them cut into half sized racks for more of a sample size rib

1 brisket, 2 butts and most the shorties

The other briskets

Butts finished, added 8 racks of beef back ribs

Ribs coming off

Hot links


The spread


It was a great time, thanks for lookin'

Also, Big thanks to ChicagoKP and Oifmarine for all their help.. It takes a lot of work to pull this off and they're both awesome about pitching in!
That's a mighty fine table of vittles you have there! Yum!
Nice work. That is an awesome spread you had. Nice to see that Shirley loaded up. How big were those briskets?
Texas Pete, they were about 15lbs a piece. I could probably get 8 in there.

And fwiw, the warmer rocked for holding ribs. As the beef ribs finished, I just threw em in the warmer, it worked great.
Texas Pete, they were about 15lbs a piece. I could probably get 8 in there.

And fwiw, the warmer rocked for holding ribs. As the beef ribs finished, I just threw em in the warmer, it worked great.

I knew they looked bigger than mine. I normally go under 10LBS since only 2 of us eat brisket. Also good to know the warmer held the ribs like a low temp oven. That information may come in handy some day.

Again, just amazing what you guys pulled off today. Not only is it a large quantity of meat but there are so many different cuts. Takes some skill to get them all right at the same temp and on the same cooker.