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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Jan 16, 2013
Serious question, these are all about the same internal temp. HEB all beef sausage.No char, some char, crunchy. Crunchy won here at my table for 4. I took the charred-est one, snaked a line of jalapeno mustard along the link. My 90+ year old mother took second well done And I think she wanted mine. Wife took least charred and big brother took remaining leavings. Like said moved em around and IT not exact but really close. I like the crunchy bitsIMG_20240526_142455~2.jpg
I'll have em charred if sausage, prefer not ta char bratwurst...I've a package thats gonna take a ride on the shirley along with some state fair marinated chicken. The Shirley got wire wheeled today and I got most rust off...burning in some oil currently.

I'll have em charred if sausage, prefer not ta char bratwurst...I've a package thats gonna take a ride on the shirley along with some state fair marinated chicken. The Shirley got wire wheeled today and I got most rust off...burning in some oil currently.

These were the world famous HEB Beef Sausage Links. Great mild flavor, good skin. These are awesome to get some char then simmer in a buttery stock with onions. It was really an addon to an impromptu my brother is in town pickup our Mom and coming to my place to eat. Everyone got full as a tick IMG_20240526_145356~2.jpg
So jealous of all the great sausages in TX. Was down for a TX bash and got several varieties of Smokey Denmark sausages. SO damn good. Pepperwurst was my favorite.
As far as precooked go these are dang good. I'm not sure if HEB ships or not. However Southside Market, Slovacek do. Although I will occasionally buy sausage infused with jalapenos, green Chile. Cheeses etc. I prefer the all meat..Slovacek makes a garlic that if I could only have one sausage that'd be it. But honestly picking "the best" is splitting hairs . Lots of good sausage down here
Really like the char on emulsified sausage but not so much on regular grind. That said those all look very tasty.