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I had no idea that people were so passionate about Jeremy Yoder. A couple of years ago, I had made the grave mistake of defending a Gen 1 Smokefire and calling Baby Back Maniac's video out for what it was, and still is, and got a similar, interesting response from people who didn't even own a Smokefire. It's funny how offended people become over something that they have no stake in.

That said, I've watched all of Jeremy's videos and, as I said, I think his work is really good. Someone had to point out that "of course he promotes what he's paid to promote". That's not the point. The point is that his priority isn't sharing objective information but, rather, information that gets him paid.

He puts out a lot of good content but, if you're truly looking to level up your game, and not find fulfillment as an influencer's groupie, you need to take what he says with a grain of salt.

Jirby is the polar opposite of Yoder. Last week someone in his class said "Mad Scientist said this is how you do this" and Jirby said "He's wrong". Jeremy would never say that and, for that reason, lacks objectivity.

That doesn't mean his content doesn't have value. For me, it's entertainment, and with that, I do find a tidbit of knowledge from time to time.
If Jeremy gets treated like I get treated here he must be freaking awesome!

Y'all pretend like they don't, but my jokes bring absolute joy to your lives! Y'all seem to be lying in wait to commen about them. You guys have even been known to shower me with gifts...

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This is very similar to the west Texas method I grew up on with brisket cooked on grates over mesquite coals in a trench dug with a backhoe. Wood smoke and fat smoke.
Don't worry about it, share away, I've done it several times. I was only called out the first time because someone thought people new to the forum would try to follow this new method of smoking chicken. When in fact I too found it on a YT video.


A beautiful mahogany hand-rubbed finish right there!
Cool video. I like watching how different cookers operate. As far as how Jeremy gets paid I honestly couldn't care less. Malcolm Reed does the same thing. I've seen him cook on and promote numerous different cookers and he is well respected. I'm not planning on buying a Burch Barrel but it's still a cool video. Thanks, Bob.
Meh, his stuff is not for me. If you like it, watch it by all means. As my mom used to say": "That's why they make chocolate and vanilla."

He lost me when he poo-pooed reverse flows pits by claiming that they don't have good airflow like his Fatstack. Whatevs...
Grape Jelly
Term used to mean "jealous"

Like when something so totally awesome happens to someone else and it makes you feel kinda sad that you aren't a part of such magnificent festivities, then you would feel "grape jelly."

I had no idea....
If it’s new to me and he told me he gets credit.

Really though is there any benefit to debating who started something. We are all here to learn and improve. I’d hate to share something I do but fear being called out because someone else did it first.

Jeremy Yoder says in one of his other videos that he got the idea about burning trimmed fat from Bradley Robinson. In his videos, Bradley doesn't claim to have invented it either.
You guys enjoy the infighting, I could care less what people do on youtube, but one think I noticed is when yoder took the first bite he had his head down and looked like he didn't enjoy it, but didn't want to say anything bad about the cooker or with the guy around.
If Jeremy gets treated like I get treated here he must be freaking awesome!

Y'all pretend like they don't, but my jokes bring absolute joy to your lives! Y'all seem to be lying in wait to commen about them. You guys have even been known to shower me with gifts...

Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk
Just remember, we kid because we care...

about the planet.
How's Jeremy with an Instant Pot?

I looked at the video.

For me, like most things YT... too much talking. BBQ "experts" on YT p!ss me off just because they won't shut up.

That "Grill" whatever it is? It's a mad science experiment for sure. I mean I get it, but I can't see it will do a much better job than a cinder block smoker / bbq. It's just too fancy for it's own good.
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For me, like most things YT... too much talking. BBQ "experts" on YT p!ss me off just because they won't shut up.
Yes sir! They like to hear the sound of their own voice me thinks. I keep fast forwarding to find different spots, but usually just turn them all off.

I used to love the old BBQ Pit Boys videos, they were a riot! The new ones, not so much.