Mad Scientist BBQ- New Pit

Man, I’d love to own that pit and cook for my church on it!!!

Finally watched the link. That's pretty cool. That's Humongous. Cooking area measured in feet not inches. Wasn't it Jay Leno decades ago that would have celebrities autograph a motorcycle or car or something then auction for charity? Is this along that idea?

Anyway if I needed or even just wanted something that huge I'd buy a mug. But I don't. But I do Hope its a successful venture
It seems like any time someone mentions the name Mad Scientist around here, it turns into an 8-page battle royale...

And he's missed. No one was more emotionally invested in the YouTube threads than he and if the opposing view wanted ta wade in and get a piece of it...well he'd serve it up. I admired his passion.

Mad Scientist must have noticed how much Cleetus Mcfarland makes when he does a vehicle giveaway. Guess he wants in on some of the action.
Mad Scientist must have noticed how much Cleetus Mcfarland makes when he does a vehicle giveaway. Guess he wants in on some of the action.

Hi there, midnight_f150! It's a small world - I have a bunch of family in Greenbrier on my wife's side. But I haven't spent much time in Greenbrier the past few years (mostly just in Wooster and Mallet Town recently). Are there any good BBQ restaurants in Greenbrier or around Conway these days?
Well, ok....back to topic of what would average/everyday cook do with this monster?

First, you would have to have $$$, a big place to throw a party and able financially to invite everybody and anybody.

Otherwise, you have no need for a cooker that big unless it's for a business.

So I guess the average cook has no need for it. Unless the average cook has a bunch of $$$.