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Jeremy’s recent damper video was very helpful for me. His latest 37 minute brisket video was extremely thorough and helpful too. Some of his videos were he’s show casing products I avoid…he’s gotta get paid so just avoid the “commercial” videos. People being stuck in their old ways and not pushing the envelope to try different things will keep cooking that “excellent” bbq their wife and dog love so much.
I love this idea of throwing some trimmings on the fire. I'll have to try that. Most of my trimmings go in a foil pan for rendering due to the new "wrap with tallow" craze. I ain't spending the money on a bucket of wagyu fat.

Hahaha that wasn't his idea, it's been done for years.
Of course people didn't pay Jeremy Yoder to speak negatively about their product. Why would he do such a thing? Nobody who wants to get paid talks negatively to their boss, so why would Jeremy?

Super cool that you two are on a first name basis. Also, credibility is an issue when his supposed "expert" opinion is for sale. Consumers pay consumer reports for unbiased reviews and ratings. This guy is getting paid per click, and pushing product under guise of an unbiased expert.
Scared in competency in science? Look I'm not here to knock the guy. I never really seen his science angle. His experiments are not special and like most YouTube heroes dont adhere very well to the scientific method. Entertaining sure, scientific? Not even a little.

Did you watch his video on how much water goes through the cook chamber when using wood (on an offset)?

The way Jeremy approaches BBQ is from a scientific background rather than from BBQ myth. Agreed that his experiments are never perfect, but often enough he'll use a control along with his experiment which is a good way to go. "Not even a little" sounds very silly if you watch his videos.

That being said I just don't see how so many on this forum despise the guy. He has done a ton of informational videos which have helped people increase their skills very quickly. His first fire management video is amazing and it came out when not many people were doing videos on how to manage an offset fire. Mind you this was around the same time as Chef Tom from All Things BBQ put out that absolutely embarrassing video (for a Yoder Offset) in regards to fire management.

Jeremy's video from 2016 :

Chef Tom's video from 2017 :

If you compare those videos you'll find that Jeremy actually put out some great information, while Chef Tom did nothing but embarrass himself and Yoder (along with All Things BBQ).
Super cool that you two are on a first name basis. Also, credibility is an issue when his supposed "expert" opinion is for sale. Consumers pay consumer reports for unbiased reviews and ratings. This guy is getting paid per click, and pushing product under guise of an unbiased expert.

Who cares if he gets paid for making videos? If he's doing a sponsored video of course he's going to show that particular product in a good light with a complimentary view. Did he say anything which was an outright lie? Did he try to fool anyone by giving his view on a product? Are any of his techniques horribly wrong and causing people to produce bad BBQ?

Why does credibility of a YouTube guy matter at all? He makes videos and you can watch them, and discuss them on a forum, or you can ignore them. He has done a lot of good for the BBQ community and it's sad to see the old luddites on this forum recoil in horror from every opinion he states.

Mind you one of the luddites on this forum LITERALLY sells essential oils alongside expensive salts. Somehow this forum is OK with that kind of nonsense, but a BBQ guy looking at BBQ through a more scientific lens causes them to call for the pitchforks.
Seriously? The dude ran a BBQ catering company, and has taught BBQ classes. He has also done a ton of research and has put himself out there for the masses to see his methods. Not to mention all the appearances he has done where he has cooked for anyone and everyone around. If his food or methods were bad we'd all know about it by now.

Is anyone lined up for your cooking classes? Are companies so excited about what you're doing that they're showering you with free $5k smokers?

I've always found Jeremy to be a pretty reasonable guy, and he has even made "correction" videos as he has learned new things which are now contradicting his previous thoughts. I just can't understand why this forum is so triggered by a guy on YouTube who cooks BBQ.

I tend to agree with you. Yes, he has sponsors on all videos and that’s how he gets paid, but the man has likely cooked more briskets than most people on this forum. As you said he did catering events, weddings, pop ups, etc. running everything from backyard size pits to 1000 gallon pits. Has an actual science degree so likely knows a thing or two about the science of bbq. I don’t see how people can question is ability or bbq acumen?

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Hahaha that wasn't his idea, it's been done for years.

If it’s new to me and he told me he gets credit.

Really though is there any benefit to debating who started something. We are all here to learn and improve. I’d hate to share something I do but fear being called out because someone else did it first.
If it’s new to me and he told me he gets credit.

Really though is there any benefit to debating who started something. We are all here to learn and improve. I’d hate to share something I do but fear being called out because someone else did it first.

It’s allllllllll been done before…

But the internet wasn’t around.

Soooooo there’s that.
I’d hate to share something I do but fear being called out because someone else did it first.

Don't worry about it, share away, I've done it several times. I was only called out the first time because someone thought people new to the forum would try to follow this new method of smoking chicken. When in fact I too found it on a YT video.
