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Ok, so I didn't get any pics of the actual food, but the ham and turkey went over great. Everyone raved about the ham especially. They all loved the turkey but the ham was an absolute smash.

My fiance's father grabbed some from the tray while i was carving the ham and went back for seconds during the meal- he NEVER does either of those when someone other than he cooks lol.

I did grab a shot of the turkey carcass afterwards but was a dope and forgot the pics of the cook or the spread, just of the left over ham pieces I set aside for chunks for split pea soup and a few slices. Smh. Lol.

For me the bigger part for the reason for the day was it being their first holiday season without their mom/wife. It was also why I decided to say yes right away to doing a ham and tried it finally. I wanted to give them the ability to do exactly what they wanted to for hosting a Christmas at their house.

That's why her sister and brother in law wanted to do Christmas at their new place, they wanted a change of scenery to get out of the house where the mood was going to be downtrodden. It was a good plan. It wound up being me, my fiance, her dad, her brother, her sister and brother in law, his sister and husband and his mom.

Because of that I did what any fiance would do-- I dressed up as Santa to lighten the mood. Had her, her sister and brother in good spirits.

She normally doesn't like photos of her being seen but she ok'd one and took a bunch with my soon to be brother and brother in law and of course I had to do a bunch of silly poses. Was a good day for everyone, I'm glad we did it:

That's awesome, thanks for sharing with us!

Thanks Norm. Was a fun day.

Outstanding. Looks like everyone had a great time. Beauty of a pit too.

They seemed to have. I did. Was a great day I think, I believe all there would agree. Her sister and brother in law who don't cook were really great hosts.
Just and I did the food, they did everything else. They get the thumbs up.