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Been flipping the ham everyday and marking it. Started a second ham that I did the exact same way. That will cure until Christmas and will be our meal along with a turkey I'm going to smoke as well. The temp in the garage has ranged from 36 to 39 degrees. All seems to be going well. I'll remove any schmutz that forms on the surface off as it goes along.

Following this thread for sure. This looks awesome! I watched a video on All Things BBQ on Youtube with Chef Tom. He cured his own ham and then smoked it. Seems like once you go that way, no going back to Honey Baked.
Garage had dropped to 32° for a bit and has been holding at 36° so I decided to check the temp of the cure. It's teetering between 39° and 40° so everything is looking perfect including the cure remaining clear just tinted. Caught the first pic literally as the read switched from 39 to 40.

Very happy with how it's going so far.

Thanks for posting! This is something I've always wanted to do and now that you are walking us through the process, I probably will whenever I get back to Texas!

LOL. No hailing necessary, but now I'm in the mood for popcorn!!

Thanks for posting! This is something I've always wanted to do and now that you are walking us through the process, I probably will whenever I get back to Texas!

You're welcome. I'm glad I decided to try it and not turn down my soon to be sister in law when she asked me to do it for Christmas at her new house.

Like waiting for Santa huh?

Little bit hehe. It's been really fun doing this so far. Can't wait to see if I injected enough to not have any tan spots anywhere.

Even if it's an epic fail I'll still be posting the results and then I'll be doing this again until I get the details perfected. Fingers crossed over here.
Well, tomorrow is the test ham cook. I'm excited to see how it comes out. Did the last flip tonight and it will be on the Shirley at about 7 am.

The cure has sat at an even 40° through the whole process so far basically. Drifting down to 38 for a day then back up to 40.

This is tomorrow's ham

This is the Christmas ham

And the cure temp
